US politics - The Don v Ally McBeal.Single,Successful falling Apart

Thanks for posting that. Very enjoyable read.

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Imagine the outrage if he did it. Pelosi would explode with rage. She really wants Trumps scalp.

Fuck it, why not. Go all in Don, go nuclear.

The 2024 Presidential Race is well and truly under way.

The democrats are terrified that Trump will run again and get the Republican nomination. The dems wont have the cover of COVID for their antics.

Fuck it. They arrested Tom Cruise for it, so if they can arrest Tom, they can surely pardon the Don


These people! Always the victims! “Salacious gossip” about Melania. FFS she’d be well used to that would she not. 6 dead and she’s crying about “Salacious gossip”

Twitter share price taking a 7% hit today.

President Trumps 89 Million followers account for 48% of the platforms base of monetizable daily active users

I think that the ban of Donald Trump on Twitter is an unacceptable act of censorship,” Navalny said in an 11 part Twitter thread. “Don’t tell me he was banned for violating Twitter rules. I get death threats here every day for many years, and Twitter doesn’t ban anyone (not that I ask for it).”

“Of course, Twitter is a private company,” Navalny continued “But we have seen many examples in Russian and China of such private companies becoming the state’s best friends and the enablers when it comes to censorship.”

Be some craic if he bolted himself into the Whitehouse on Jan 20th

Hopefully he does.

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Trump could run as an independent in 2024. If he is still able to run in 2024 he is going to make the next 4 years a living hell for the Democrats and maybe even the Republicans as well. The damage he could do to both parties could be immense.

Worse than setting an armed mob on them?

And does a big shite on top of the desk.


Isn’t he the one who gets shit on?

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A little walk down memory lane. @Lazarus, @EstebanSexface. Thoughts?

There was no outrage. No claims of “coup” or “insurrection”. It didn’t even get a reference on TFK. It was typical coverage of a protest on the left by the left.

Gas to see journalists and media outlooks cheer the erosion of free speech. The irony is lost on them. Google, Amazon and Apple now have the power to dictate what we see, no difference to the regime in Beijing.


Do you mean Chy-na?

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Seems to have been a peaceful demonstration unlike the recent one. Also “Capitol police said about 300 people were detained.” Again quite unlike the recent one.

Gab is the future

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