US politics - The Don v Ally McBeal.Single,Successful falling Apart

Great piece

Sweep sweep. It was a woke agenda so it was OK, right?

Try the congressional shooting on March 1, 1954 so.

Not a coup, ergo shit piece. Clickbait for retards.

Did any of trumps crew have as nice a pair of tits as Emily rajatkowski?


I’m happy to go with inserrection myself


He will back on Twitter in jig time.

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Mentallers gettting awful woke all of a sudden


Hillary knew.

Pelosi is a very dangerous individual.

Is Jonathan anything to Leo?

They’re 6th cousins according to my sources at

Leo was a God

Serious leadership


There’s some hypocrisy there from leftists, but last week’s violence was on a different scale. There is a significant difference between screaming into the faces of politicians you disagree with, and attempting to hang them. There is simply no excuse for Trump encouraging a mob, and he knew that element were there.

The bigger hypocrisy is the faux concern for police officers from people who were looking to defund them a few months ago. The same people who are outraged at a police officer being battered with sticks last week were completely silent during the summer of 2020 when over 1,000 police were injured and several killed during rioting. There were plenty at the time defending or even encouraging violence, like Chris Cuomo on CNN stating that protest does not have to be peaceful or polite.


I suppose black people in America have some genuine grievances whereas trump has just made up the fact he was cheated out of the election because he’s a terrible loser.

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As per usual the Trump enablers can only rationalize the logicial and easily forseen consequences of their evangelical support for his regime through the prism of their ingrained prejudice against anyone who spoke out in any way against his proto facist tendencies during this time.

Their inability to see even in the light of all reason and evidence to see beyond what their partisan peers believe, or the failure of their own previous choices, actually represents a sense of personal tragedy that for each one of them, might never heal.

It would be better to ackowledge their part in this, learn from it and move forward with humiity. Shouting ‘Woke this’ and ‘Leftist that’ at every turn only serves to belie the mindset of fanaticism. Perhaps like their idol himself, they are past the point of rescue at this point. Truly they are tragic cases