US politics - The Don v Ally McBeal.Single,Successful falling Apart

Who wrote that for you?




I am trying a new style for 2021

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Try harder

They’re on Zoom

There’s a lot of truth in it. I appreciate that people might be a struggle for some

That is certainly true, but the reality is that some politicians and a number of “woke” celebrities have been calling for violence against Trump’s supporters since he was elected in 2016. My point is if you encourage violence don’t be surprised if you get violence.

A lot of people were hoping Trump would die when he had COVID last year. Twitter bans weren’t as swift then as they are for him now

You sound like the mad one from Jupiter, Florida that Adam Boulton skewered.


Cutting and pasting seems to be a struggle for some

I am the voice of reason mate.

I have the heart of a pastoral shepherd. I will not abondon you like Trump

Get the flock out of here

Are you not allowed hope someone dies on twitter?

I would have thought it went against guidelines

Dig up the guidelines, this could be a game changer

For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect like @iron_mike and @glenshane

I don’t use Twitter so I’m not aware really.

Have you been watching pulp fiction again?

I hope you’re not dissing Wim Hof