US Presidential Election 2020

He is. Jā€™O Bidens first presidential visit to Ireland will be epic

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It will be bigger then the pope, the boost the country needs

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Halfway through his term weā€™ll get a weekā€™s respite from Level 5 to greet Irelandā€™s Joe Biden

It was his great great grandfather who left Mayo not great grandfather who was born in Louisiana. This was around the time of the famine.

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Biden to Ballina, theyā€™ll write plays about it

Creepy Joe really is a slimy bastard. He has major difficulties with boundaries and picking up on cues and signals when it comes to young children.

Heā€™s from the wesht

Dry your eyes mate.

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When Trump claims the extra time victory here, a lot of lads are going to feel very silly

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You can fawn over Biden all you like. Itā€™s not as if heā€™s not widely known to be an open sexual predator.

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Just one more YMCA dancing video would have done it for him

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He just couldnā€™t get the dead lads out to vote in time.

Joe is a proud Catholic.

Heā€™ll know for next time

Are you on about Trump?

At least Melania and Ivanka are free of him now

So weā€™ve got it twice and the dagos never got a sniff. Huzzah!

I suppose the 18 cases he has agin him can go ahead now in 2021