US Presidential Election 2020

Sigh. Making excuses for the charlatans you like again just to keep muddying them waters and winding Sid up.
All about the interview character life, aren’t you.

It isn’t making excuses ffs.

Throughout Trump’s time people used to love to laugh at the big Orange man who tweets and speaks wildly. The fact is that he has a unique way of communicating with people.

Similar with Johnson.

You don’t have to like the substance or style of it, but it is a FACT that it has an impact on people. The refusal to admit these things, for fear it makes you “positive” towards them, is one of the main reasons why they are on top.

Hitler had a “unique way of comunicating with people” too

A ‘unique way’ of communicating with people.
Pray tell what makes it so unique?

Some man to motivate in fairness.

He was great craic

He really wound those snowflakes up

There was some amount of salty liberal tears when what had happened at Auschwitz was discovered

The Daily Mail called it fake news

a gas man?


Boris is unkempt. He is an Eton boy but not quite in the JRM mode. He brings up inane and often inaccurate historical comparisons and Latin- but he still appeals to lots of ordinary people. Compare him to his contemporary Call Me Dave. Cameron was a toff who tried to soften himself into the molde of Tony Blair. I’ve no doubt that bumbling Boris happened upon a lot of his ticks after years of Have I Got News For You and other media outtings, but it is decidedly different to Cameron who was your traditional straight laced politician of the last 20 years.

Trump. Trump speaks closer to your ordinary Queens person than a person from money or the generic educated north eastern accent you’ll hear of people. Trump uses catchphrases, he uses peculiar language- but he gets stuff stuck out there in the popular discussion quickly. Little Marco, Lyin’ Ted, the Wall, low energy Jeb, Crooked Hillary, Fake News, MAGA, no collusion…most politicians are lucky to have one or two of them in their career.

You don’t have to like it, but there it is.

I don’t like a lot of what AOC says and think she has poorly formed policies which may cause her to flame out, but I have to admit that she has a very unique style and is communicating well. Obama- excellent communicator. Clinton - excellent communicator. There is no harm in analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of politicians.

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The last 2 you mention as being excellent communicators. Were they also unique communicators?

Depends what you mean, everyone has unique characteristics. I guess Obama was a more contemporary JFK in many respects. Bill Clinton was a far better Jimmy Carter. I don’t think any are as unique as Trump or Johnson or even an AOC. They are helped by modern media.

Happened upon this story on twitter about Boris Johnson cultivating the image of being unkempt, unpredictable and off the cuff.

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Or just being a lazy ignoramus

The Trump regime is “great craic”

I have factored all this in. Trump is a machine, the fittest man in America. And if he croaks it his followers will just worship his stuffed corpse.

He could give up the presidency in order to run for Mr. World

His cultists and Russia will combine to ensure he wins the worldwide public vote

His evangelical followers will erect a statue of him with bulging muscles at which they will gather to ceremonially jack off in a circle

Alleged child sex abuser Roy Moore is again running for the Republican nomination for the 2020 senate election in Alabama

A candidate that sums up the Republican party perfectly

Completely off topic but in the aftermath of being hit with an egg and flattening the perpetrator with a crisp left hook John Prescott confirmed he was following Blair’s directive to " connect with the electorate ".

He had a stroke Sunday.

Liz Warren and Bernie knocked it out of the park last night

A complete rout of the corporate whores like Delaney, Ryan, Bullock and Hickenlooper

Liz’s zinger on the health insurance lobbyist Delaney was glorious

Total and utter wipeout for the corporates

Biden is currently ~15 points ahead of Sanders and ~20 points ahead of Warren and Harris among Democratic voters. At this point there is no moderate candidate to challenge Biden as they are all lightweights, unless one emerges he will romp home. The progressive agenda of eliminating private insurance, open borders, free stuff for everyone, and attacking anyone who is successful as being evil is not going to win in the heartland. Bernie is now coming across as an angry old man, his chance has gone.

Warren and Bernie are vying to prove who is the more progressive, it is virtually impossible for either to to move to the center. Which leaves Harris as the only candidate who can bridge the gap. The rest haven’t a hope and will drop out.