US Presidential Election 2020

I love when the right wing nutcases talk about “free stuff”, they never talk about “free stuff” like roads, policing or tap water

One can only presume they want to abolish all that

And none of it is free

It’s called “tax”

Which they also think is “theft”

Absolute loonballs


Polls show Sanders is the most popular alternative candidate among Biden’s supporters

Polls also show Warren and Harris are the most popular alternative candidates with each others’ supporters

Unsurprisingly you didn’t know this

Nothing is “free”, taxpayers pay for everything the government provides, whether it’s infrastructure projects, policing or water… or healthcare for that matter. Taxpayers have the right to determine how their money is spent.

What sensible people object to is free stuff like paying off student debt of those who chose to take on student debt (most of whom are highly paid professionals), ignoring those who have paid off their debt or those who actually saved to send their kids to college.

Tax is theft if it is used to pay for health care for those who are in the country illegally, or used for welfare for those who could work but couldn’t be bothered as long as someone else is paying.

Another thing to note is that @anon7035031 thinks being in the pocket of big corporates = being a “moderate”

There’s absolutely nothing moderate in being a corporate whore who thinks of their paymasters’ bottom line first and foremost

Orwellian stuff

I am well aware of it.
At this point there is no candidate who comes close to Biden, we’ll see if that changes tonight.

In your previous post you were talking about “free stuff”

Now, in your first three words of that post, you admit you were talking absolute bullshit

That was easy :grin:

Funny that because everything you post says the opposite

To dismiss a candidate who is in second place and is also the most popular alternative candidate among supporters of the current front runner who is not performing well, proves you can’t analyse things with any sort of a clear head and are instead trapped in a fog of utter hatred for any politics that doesn’t prioritise the corporate buck

That’s extremism in any rational person’s language

Those evil corporations who provide employment, health care to their employees and drive economic growth. Let’s banish them :joy:

99% of businesses in the US are small businesses and employ more people than large corporations. A moderate is someone who supports business, with the caveat that large corporations should pay their fair share of taxes.

Socialists hate everyone who is successful and want the government to run everything. Has never worked and will never work.

Do you think politicians should be in the pay of corporate whoremasters?

It strongly appears you do

It strongly appears you see zero problem whatsoeever with corporate influence in politics and indeed it would strongly appear you support it zealously

If a politician is being funded by big corporates, who are they going to answer to?

What is Kamala Harris’s stance on corporate donations

Nothing is free, someone is paying for it (the taxpayer). “Free stuff” means just that, giving taxpayers’ hard earned money to people who don’t deserve it. Such as paying off the student debt of a doctor who earns $500k a year.

You submitted completely to my argument a few posts ago, do try and keep up

Now you’re trying to go back on this by whipping up hatred against the “other” in predictable racist style

It’s so easy to expose you for what you are

The candidates you were bigging up failed miserably last night

It was a total rout for Warren and Bernie, and that has sent you off the rails

Your corporate whoremaster politics has proven to be a total failure

Politicians should support business, small and large, and foster a pro business environment. The reason the US is at 2+% growth and Europe is at zero is precisely because the US is more business friendly.

Corporate PACs should be outlawed, but all politicians take their money, including Kamala and Bernie the socialist.

These are not hard concepts to understand, unless one has never had a job in their life of course.

The moderate candidate is winning by 15 points :joy:

The only candidate I have “bigged up” is Kamala Harris who is the only viable moderate in the field other than Biden. Sanders will not win the nomination, it is between Biden, Warren and Harris.

Any candidate running on eliminating private health insurance, open borders, and “free stuff” will lose to Trump.

Will sleepy joe do it?

He has a huge lead and is seen by Democrats as the safe candidate to beat Trump. He would have beaten Trump in 2016, but is starting to look old and feeble. The opportunity is there for a sensible candidate to challenge him.

Bernie is now looking like a cranky old socialist (even though he is a millionaire) and Warren has effectively stolen his platform.

You’re some arse.

Earlier you were arguing for the exact thing you’re now trying to argue against.

You’re like a dog chasing its tail.

Safe candidates don’t win.

Fancy you dismissing somebody else as “cranky”, you miserable cunt. :laughing:

You are incapable of understanding my arguments mate, as other than the ability to write you are as thick as shit.

Biden is 10 points ahead of Trump.
All other Democratic candidates are effectively even with him.