US Presidential Election 2020

Hes good for the economy. And I think we all realise his a bit harmless now. Warmonger he is not. The media tried to sell that at the start of the election. Seems to have a decent relationship with Korea and Russia. And his onto those chinks too. Can’t be too dim.

I’m not rabidly pro Trump. Wouldn’t mind a new voice for 2020 tbh, though he is great entertainment, particularly how he has ruined your e-persona.

Lets cut out the typical Twitter badges you lot like to fix to people and look at policies.

I am very much in favour of free trade, but not in the Patrick Minford respect. I see it as a gradual thing, that works for balanced power worldwide and also for the citizens that use it. Of course there will be occasions when brave decisions need to be made that might cause short term harm to people, but that is cost of things and the cost of leadership. I never had a problem with Trump wanting to reengage the US on the world trade platform, as the US is a huge economy that can soak up short term tariffs while it reasserts itself. That is why Trump is “anti EU”, because he is engaging in a worldwide power play. Ultimately we all need to be friends but he had a valid point on the impact of free trade on large swathes of the US and the behaviour of China. That was a policy that was thought out and enacted.

Johnson in comparison is a free trade enthusiast, but wants to leave the biggest free trade area out there and is prepared to do so on WTO terms. All for slogans.

I am also largely in favour free movement of people. But people should have border controls. The EU is a project about bringing similar types of countries together and allowing free movement. That is not comparable to the illegal immigration that Donald Trump is against. The “wall” is policy and is consistent with his overall motives. Boris Johnson on the other hand went from espousing the benefits of Turkey joining the EU to whipping up fear over it within a couple of years, with immigration to the fore. I have no problem with people criticising the EU’s migrant policies on refugees and how Merkel overstepped the mark on Syria, but the overall EU freedom of movement policy is sound. Boris is in favour of it and has previously called for more of it, but then switched tact.

BJ has no consistency in policies. He promoted the most damaging post war move for UK ever, because he wanted to shore up leadership votes. Nobody knows what BJ will actually do as leader.

That wall of text is simply a long winded way of trying to justify a laughable and totally incoherent stance through mental gymnastics

Trump and Johnson are two cheeks of the same arse, both extremely shitty, Trump more so

You cannot be taken seriously when you stoop to such bizarre attempts to justify fundamentally incoherent and contradictory views

It shows you are dreadfully confused and simply making things up as you go along

Your initial line is dreadfully stale and boring, it’s sad to see somebody continually recycling the same stale material, it’s pitiful to see really

Although I suppose in one way it’s nice to see a right-winger embrace recycling, pity it’s the only way

Sure if he dies in the next 12 months for one thing then he won’t be their candidate, he’s well into his 70s and lives off fast food. So you can’t say nearly zero percent.

It’s an actual, substantive discussion on their respective policies.

But I know you’re just about slogans and name branding. That’s just the way it is.

I’d say it will be stress of Twitter or something that could break Trump’s health down. That would be a big win for Sid tbf.

It’s a laughable attempt to justify a laughably incoherent position

One of the things I’m excellent at is cornering the likes of you and the other right-wing thickos on this forum into having to make laughable justifications for fundamentally contradictory positions which cannot be simultaneously held without making you look like an utter plank

You eejits all have a touch of the Father Ted trying to explain why he stole the whistle about you

It’s tremendously funny

Job done, yet again

Have a good night Sid.

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Self praise is no praise. I thought we’d been over this?

I don’t follow her on Twitter nor do I have an unhealthy obsession with her as you do, so don’t know much about her views other than she comes across as not very rational and perhaps not well mentally. From what I have read elsewhere apparently her husband died of a neurological disease a few years ago, which must have been life changing for her. In that regard I would have empathy for her, something of course you are incapable of.

In terms of my own views, they are consistent with the great majority of American and I would venture the majority of Irish people. Most normal people like myself are in favor of controlled immigration, are pro business and lean conservative on economic issues and liberal on social issues. Radicals like yourself whether on the left or right are in a very small minority.

In your delusion you actually think people agree with you, in that regard you are Gemma’s soulmate.

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I think it’s much more likely that you’re not well mentally

O’Doherty at least stands to make some money from it and attract funding from the sort of far right US sources that you get your conspiracy theories from

You are totally out of step with the vast majority of Irish people, as are all far right thickos on this forum - and that has been proven again and again

Republicans are by and large stupid, which tallies nicely with you

This is where leftists expose themselves as utter simpletons.

Republicans are the party of the rich, whatever else they are the rich are definitely not stupid. Selfish and greedy maybe, but not stupid. In fact it is supremely stupid to refer to Republicans as stupid, especially when the ones making the claim are by and large wasters who are a drain on society.

Republican voters in the US are on average higher educated and have higher income than Democratic voters, the exception being most Hollywood celebrities and Silicon Valley billionaire CEOs.

There are many stupid rich people

Donald Trump most obviously

Rich people are often some the stupidest people around because they cannot see anything outside of their own selfish gratification

There are many different forms of stupidity - you are afflicted by pretty much all of them

You automatically assume money equals intellect and poverty equals stupidity

An utterly sickening attitude, typical of a shameless Republican

Republicans of course attract stupid people across socio-economic lines - right-wing parties everywhere tend to

You are the one that claimed American Republicans are stupid, which is incorrect. The facts are that Republican voters on average are higher educated and have higher income than Democratic voters. Doesn’t mean there aren’t intelligent poor people or stupid rich people, assuming you understand the word average. Agree there are different forms of stupidity, such as your own propensity for assuming anyone cares about your radicalized ideas.

Again you confuse money with intellect

Typical right-wing mistake to make

It’s hilarious that you consistently vilify education and the US college system yet fall back on it as a crutch to suit your own argument

The fact is, stupid, selfish, racist and bigoted policies attract stupid, selfish, racist and bigoted people

You fall into all four categories, though I will allow for the fact that by falling into category 3 you also fall into category 4 automatically

Lolz - this is the guy who claims to be campaigning for Kamala Harris

Yet he’s totally against a core policy of hers

Sens. Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren, former Rep. Beto O’Rourke, former Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Secretary Julián Castro, and former Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper all promised that if they are elected president in 2020, workers in every state will earn no less than $15 an hour.

@anon7035031 was scathing of this post in his own typically know nothing way

Well, well, look what we have here :grin:

The guy who claims to be campaigning for Kamala Harris seems to be totally off message, amazing stuff

Trump-supporting media - one of his favourite media outlets actually - show no sign of toning down the rhetoric

I don’t think we should expect a condemnation - because this is the sort of rhetoric Trump is exceedingly comfortable with and absolutely wants out there

Still, though, him and his cult members are great craic and winding people up and destroying lives, and it’s hilarious, or something, at least if you’re to believe posters here

Wow, that is some way to spin a pair of lying cunts :laughing::laughing::laughing:


People have gone and lied to the masses for decades, doesn’t make them good communicators.