US Presidential Election 2020

Thomas Dewey in 1948

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What was his downfall again? I recall hating him but not why (apart from being Bertie’s boy)

Yeah the Michigan race seems to be getting closer.

He was in the Billie Barry kids, that should be all you needed really.

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Joe needs 32
Assuming he gets Nevada that leaves him needing 26 to win.
Mi = 16
WI =10
PA =20
Ga = 16
NC =15

For the sadists amongst us the ideal is that Biden would get NC and Wi leading to a draw.

His brother had an even sillier Christian name ???

He won’t leave the stage alright based purely on ego. Trump has a special pull with much of the country that other Republicans could not replicate. But that pull will be harder to maintain out of office. I’d fully expect that the mainstream media would sacrifice clicks and revenue & stop covering his social media machine. Trump owns the GOP right now but out of office you struggle to maintain leadership - we will likely will still have Mitch (or maybe another Republican…) in place which would be the main place of Government that the GOP would challenge.

A moderate Biden/Harris Presidency that pulls away from the insane leftists on BLM and law & order combined with getting the economy going again might just neutralise the edge on both sides.



some night sitting by the wireless for @Fagan_ODowd id say


1948 was a good year for @Fagan_ODowd. Waterford won the All Ireland as well.

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Seems like they could have gotten a picture for Kanye, if they really wanted to

I think he lied about his or his father’s involvement in the Dublin-Monaghan bombing? Far from the only person to tell lies about it.


You’re in bad reception mate, no wonder I couldn’t get through to you there

he was actually vindicated later on, but his career was dead by then


Pretty sure that was proven correct in the end though.

Quick google says as much, albeit on the remarkably reliable wikipedia

Brady was a candidate at the 2004 European Parliament election when he was falsely accused of lying about an incident involving his father’s taxi being involved in the 1974 Dublin and Monaghan bombings. Brady was accused by the media of using the incident to obtain the sympathy of the voters.[14] He was later vindicated when the truth of the matter was revealed on 5 – 7 live, the RTÉ Radio programme, on Friday 18 June 2004. Dave Mc Hugh, an RTÉ Researcher who had made a Radio Documentary on the Dublin and Monaghan bombings, discovered that Royston Brady’s father had been kidnapped on the evening of 16 May 1974.

He courted Fine Gael for a bit, maybe that was it.

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Seems to be a bit of tension between Chris Cuomo and the screen guy

Paddy Power are vile disgusting bastards