US Presidential Election 2020

Has been for a few hours now.

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that doesnt make them wrong on that point

Louth connection?

Very heard to get the exposure right with black folks

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There was an American punk rocker called Wayne County, who became Jayne County.

i will shortly be in a position to call Florida, and it isnt good news for those hoping for a blue wave


Louth and Mayo.

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There was 52% remaining to be counted in Wayne County.

Trump’s lead in Michigan was over 200k.

The votes that came in represent 15% of that and it moved Trump’s lead from 200k to 65k.

There’s still 37% left in that county alone.

Michigan, Nevada and Wisconsin all have mainly mail based votes remaining. Biden looks on the brink.

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And urban centres. Be great if he could win it without PA.

That’s looking increasingly possible.

You have to laugh at how stupid Trump is.

He basically asked them to only keep counting votes for him and to stop counting all Biden votes.

Mugabe would be proud.

Even his normal allies are criticizing him for it.

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I’m confident I chose the winner but the margin of victory may be tighter.


Trump is trying to Joe Sheridan him


Biden now back at 1/2, the same place (roughly) where he was before the polls closed

I am going to do an ‘as it stands’ on the election, like they do on the last day of a football season, no matter how unrealistic it appears at the time.

I make Trump the winner - 283 versus 255.

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Biden momentum seems to have stalled in Michigan or at least slowed down. Flindt polling strong for Trump.

Trump had the wind in the first half


The lead is getting to them