US Presidential Election 2020

Biden 1/2
Trump 2/1


This is a perfect description of what happened.

The greatest comeback since the Hamish McJockstrap

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Sounds like heā€™s going to appeal to the CCCC either way.

Trump needs to get some of those militias up from the South and onto the lawn of the White House.
Heā€™s going no where.

PP go 2/5 Biden

Skybet have pulled the market

Look at that tweet above. More voted for trump than did for Obama. Lock and load.

Frank Murphy seen heading towards a Supreme Court sitting with a rulebook

Leave the woman alone Chris!

Biden 1.35
Trump 3.80


Thereā€™s a woman who wonā€™t be rushed

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Iā€™m pretty sure you did on the surface of things, but this could get propa nawty.
I expected a large enough biden win based on the number of votes. I figured anyone mad enough to vote for trump was already locked in, and extras were the liberal types who didnā€™t bother to vote, or couldnā€™t bring themselves to vote for Hilary.
Shows what I know šŸ¤·

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What do those figures mean mate?

Iā€™d probably have voted for Kanye.

This auld map clicking is a tough job

I thought something similar. I expected the 6% or so which voted for 3rd parties the last time to half and pretty much go to Biden and I expected Trumpā€™s vote to shrink by a few percentage points to give Biden a comfortable enough victory.

Credit to Trump he really did solidify his base and even in what looks like defeat it was a very good turnover for him.

Shows Trump vote in 2016 not an aberration. America is a seriously divided country/society.

Itā€™s fascinating to watch it unfold.

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Biden just tightened Michigan and extended lead in Wisconsin.

Trump will be box office squared today!

Indeed. Trouble is trump now has a mandate to claim fraud from the sidelines for the next four years and deepen the cracks.