US Presidential Election 2020

Biden pulls ahead in MI.
Red Rover

Hon Joe

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Trump won’t stay on the sidelines sure he’s not a career politician. I’m amazed by this turnout though and 75 million people wasn’t dumb rednecks or ‘Russia’ that’s a massive base. Opens the door in the future for a conservative candidate when people are sick of years of CNN et Al gloating following this and pretending that vote never happened.

With Trump gone racism will soon be a thing of the past in the US

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Trump was, I suspect, in serious enough financial difficulty before getting elected.
A taste of power and a turbocharger to the bank account may prove you wrong.
It may not be trump himself, but some other q-anon nutjob. The point stands.

90% of white Americans are dumb rednecks.


I’ve missed alot, but called it at 5.30!

Just the same way a narrow win for trump would have proved Americans are sick of democrats liberals and the main stream media I presume that a win for Biden would mean they have rejected trumps politics and republicans and conservative politics in general?

Oh yeah

To be honest if a real conservative learns from the Trump mistakes / stupidity then the democrats should worry particularly if they can’t make working class people better off .

i think the MAGAnation will have something to say on this.

If trump calls fraud, and refuses to accept the result, what happens then?

It was a referendum on Trump. If there was no pandemic Trump probably wins in a landslide. They haven’t rejected conservative politics or values.


He’ll be removed by US Marshalls

If the marginals all break to Biden it could look like a handsome win in hindsight.

I suspect Kamala Harris will turn out to be fairly right wing.


Spot on

He’ll put republicans under serious pressure with that stance… They already are after his outburst last night. There’s been nothing untoward so far. But if it goes to the supreme court it will rip America apart as it will drag in for a few weeks with both sides screaming louder and louder…

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Agreed. Trump surpassed his own total in 2016 and Obamas total in 2012. Republicans would be pleasantly surprised that it is so tight given what the polls were showing this time last week. -10 points nationally. Anywhere from -5 to -10 in swing states. The complexion of the election will embolden them.

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@Rocko - Royston Brady told a story where before the Dublin bombing somebody tried to steal his father’s taxi. He was accused of lying and a victim’s representative got on the radio and said it was unacceptable and people had to be accurate about such a horrific and sensitive event. He was forced out over it. It later turned out that he was telling the truth. Today you have Fine Gaelers so concerned about historical accuracy that they’re going around saying that the Dublin bombing was carried out by the IRA.

From wikipedia:

Brady was a candidate at the 2004 European Parliament election when he was falsely accused of lying about an incident involving his father’s taxi being involved in the 1974 Dublin and Monaghan bombings. Brady was accused by the media of using the incident to obtain the sympathy of the voters.[14] He was later vindicated when the truth of the matter was revealed on 5 – 7 live, the RTÉ Radio programme, on Friday 18 June 2004. Dave Mc Hugh, an RTÉ Researcher who had made a Radio Documentary on the Dublin and Monaghan bombings, discovered that Royston Brady’s father had been kidnapped on the evening of 16 May 1974.

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The senate is where it’s at now - do the publicans hold it?

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