US Presidential Election 2020

The most important point in this election is that the Republicans will keep the majority in the Senate. This will mean that Biden cannot pack the Supreme Court or make DC a state. That is more important than a Trump Presidency.

Its actually not a bad nights work for Trump, he has had a respectable performance. In many ways I think he might be relieved to step aside without his ego too badly bruised.

The Republicans might be happy enough for Biden to handle Corona because it will still be there for 2021. The Republicans will come back strong in 2024 (perhaps Kristi Noem ) against Kamala.


The Secretary of Michigan on CNN there basically saying that she thinks Biden is going to nick it. She said most of the outstanding votes are in the big urban centres and that they exceed the current gap between the candidates.

Democrats now getting very bullish.

What’s the story with the outstanding vote in Nevada? Mail votes or what?

The talking heads seem to be all saying it’s Bidens now.


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Its all over.

To be honest, I am relieved!

POTUS will need to update the profile picture

Voting for Biden is voting for a socialist. Fucking hell the US is wan fucked up place

You must have been absolutely shitting bricks when you woke up first thing this morning pal. What would you tell the wife, when Paddy Power repossessed the house?

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Any Biden backer who held his nerve could have made serious profit

World Politics is moving in that direction. Ireland voted for Sinn Fein, a party equivalent of the Democrats, in large numbers in the last Irish election.

Bertie was a socialist and the sophisticated Irish electorate adored him

Especially if they bet with Bitcoin bought 18 months ago

I got on him at 13/5

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I went in again at 9/5


Us Biden backers can move from sweating in our jocks into “we knew” and just woke up, easy bet etc…


2020 hindsight.

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Time for Coney Barret to earn her corn

I cashed out in the Green and went piling back into the Don when I woke up groggy

Yes mail in votes that the Dems will get delivered to the count center in the next few hours

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They are just filling out enough to be sure