US Presidential Election 2020

I genuinely donā€™t understand that. Explain it to me. If trump wins the country reject Democrats and Liberal values but if Biden wins they donā€™t reject trump? Bare in mind heā€™s the incumbent too not some little plucky underdog come out of nowhere. Youd hear the same sentiments about other elections too I just dont get it.

Morning boys


I donā€™t know if thatā€™s insulting to Sinn Fein or the Democrats.

@Lazarus made heaps of money off his imaginary betsā€¦ he ā€œgreened upā€ a load of imaginary times

No one rejects anything. They are split down the middle. As I said and itā€™s pretty clear it is a referendum on Trump. Not exactly a ringing endorsement for Biden. A lot of the Biden support is soft as a result. They might not get them all to the polls next time out.

Biden into 2/7 I see, Thats interesting.

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All this shows, as seems to be permanently the case, there are 45% of people whoā€™ll only vote democrat, and 45% whoā€™ll only vote Republican and no matter what happens you couldnā€™t shift them. The rest on the margins are where the game is played. A very divided country. Now Biden is an awful candidate as well.

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If both are insulted, then it must be fair

Can we we get a meltdown count please Has anyone checked in with @Tassotti @balbec etc?

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You told me Trump was home and hosed so I lumped a load on Biden at 9/4. Thanks Laz

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Alright mate, how are things?

Biden called his grandson his ā€˜sonā€™ yesterday. Not exactly inspiring.

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Biden is well up now.

At 4am EST they mysteriously found a few hundred thousand Biden Ballots in the basement :grinning:

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Some illegal counting going on

Hey Hey My My
Joe O Biden will never die

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Whoā€™s melting? Youā€™re one that stayed up all night posting about it.

He had to print all those out, then drive them half way across the country from Delaware. This stuff takes time, as Iā€™m sure you understand.

There there mate, youā€™ll always have Boris. And Duda :rofl: :rofl:

My point is if trump won it would be seen as a ringing endorsement of him and rejection of the opposition. It definitely would. You even had posters here saying the voters were sick of being told what to think etc. Yet if he loses its not painted that strongly the other way. Maybe thatā€™s because he was the underdog but he was still the potus and supposedly the best ever according to himself and his fans. If he loses him and what he stands for has been rejected simple as that. Thatā€™s democracy. Sure hillary lost fairly narrowly the last time and was painted as a complete disaster of a candidate who the voters hated.

the Democrats have history on this. They got JFK over the line in Florida in 1960

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