US Presidential Election 2020

I thought that they had been carried over on a plane from China

They’d be safer sending them directly to the supreme court

The white working class turned out for him in record numbers. You have to remember as well, this is a complete fucking cunt with contempt for democracy who is currently threatening to cancel the votes of millions of people in Pennsylvania (white people’s votes, not southern black people’s votes) and his voters, almost half of America and the great majority of rural America, are completely fine with that. So no matter what happens the rejection just hasn’t been sufficiently vehement.

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It’ll be a long time before I back another 1/2 shot :nauseated_face:

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Its a day for a Bag of Cans cc @Copper_pipe :pint:

He increased his vote with the Hispanic population in Florida. Now it was probably coming from a pretty low base but still.

You were backing a 1/10 shot

He basically did as well as before in Ohio as well.

I’ll have to get some sleep first. I’m awake since 2am and I’m in the office today :upside_down_face:

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The Cuban Latinos in Florida have always been pretty right wing for obvious reasons.

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According to ian og the latino, African American vote and the female vote all increased for trump? Maybe you’re with good ole joe in thinking you’re not really black if you vote for trump?

A bunch of capitalist pigs

Ian also said it was the WASPs that let him down…

We don’t know exactly yet. Trump is getting murdered on the early mail ballots. Those might turn out to be old white people scared of Covid.

Trump has said and done many things but the sight of him on a podium in recent days goading his supporters into chants of ‘Fire Fauci’ sticks in my mind for some reason, along with him inferring that he would sack him but not straight away so as not to make it too obvious.

Fauci being an world renowned infectious disease expert, doing his job in a time of crisis, whose Dad used to treat people for no money on occassions. Trump being jealous of the attention he was receiving.

I really despaired for the US at that point and this election result has only increased that.


Probably on the same plane with a load of Donald’s MAGA hats.

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Just accept that working class Americans don’t give a fuck about Covid.

However, Fauci is just doing his job and trying to get along with Don as best he can. Even if you’re not pro-lockdown he doesn’t deserve to be vilified. Fauci is 100 times better than Archbishop Holohan. You’d swap them in a heartbeat.

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The Hispanic vote in particular. There were counties in south Texas that Clinton won by 30% and Obama by 40% that Biden barely won.
The Dems may have to build that wall.