US Presidential Election 2020

The Dems were very dignified all throughout Trumpā€™s term in fairness

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Biden would be a blueshirt over here

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they were in their fuck

Not abad attempt

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Youā€™re familiar with the concept of sarcasmā€¦

Have you see how America has deteriorated during his term? I personally donā€™t give a shit about him one way or the other as I donā€™t live there, but could you imagine that freak running your country?

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You chose an unfortunate username given your views on where power lies.


Thatā€™s about what I thought starting off as well but I started crapping my pants when I was trying to work out Ohio last night and I eventually realised that Biden hadnā€™t really improved on 2016.

I donā€™t know why Biden has improved in Wisconsin and Michigan but not Ohio. Maybe he just didnā€™t bother wasting his resources on Ohio.

The adds on CNN are fair random

Division works both ways. The dems are just as culpable for the breakdown in the US but they have a handy scapegoat here.

Heā€™s getting an awful lot of votes for a fella whoā€™s doing a terrible job

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I donā€™t quite accept that. I donā€™t think Democrats are threaten to disregard millions of votes just because theyā€™re probably Republican.

Edit: they obviously bear a lot of responsibility

He isā€¦But Large swathes of middle America has always been red .

They like his trade deals economic policy and energy policy and can get over heā€™s a dick. They are terrified of Harris taking power.

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Trumpā€™s speech this morning/last night (what fucking day is it at all) was wrong. No question

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Michigan just turned blue, I repeat Michigan has just turned blue


Compassion over Cruelty

Itā€™s looking good for sleepy Joe.

If I hear this cunt explain democrats have an advantage in mail in voting one more time my brain will melt. Iā€™m signing out for a while

Joe Bidenā€™s cousins in Ballina are ā€œexcited and optimisticā€

Biden looking good now in Penn, Wisconson and Michigan and appears to be rallying now too in Georgia

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