US Presidential Election 2020

Think this will be more like 20k

Biden has cut Trumps lead from 680k to just under 500k in Pennsylvania. Theres still well over a million left to be counted with the vast majority coming from Philly and Pitsburg. Biden has a fighting chance

The Dems will be printing all night

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Be another election day in michigan yet .


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My read is that Trump has to outscore Biden 60/40 in the remaining 200k votes to be counted. Not impossible but the State has broken more or less 50/50 so far

Vegas baby


How’s it looking @Lazarus?



Trump down to 400k in Pennsylvania.

Nevada looks dodgy for Biden to me. Only 6k ahead. Cnn seem to be banking on Vegas but surely there’s every chance that would be trumpy?

Fox have given Wisconsin to Biden bringing him up to 248

Vegas has been traditionally blue and Biden seems to be holding that trend so far

What’s he waiting on now for the 270?
Was CNN always so pro democrat or is it only a response to trump?

O Biden will take
Pennsylvania, Arizona, Nevada on top of Wisconcon and Michigan. My inside man in Charlotte reckons the Democrats havent quite given up the ghost in North Carolina there but Trump should have it.
Trump will also squeak Georgia thus just avoiding the most humiliating election defeat of our lifetime by the skin of his teeth

CNN isn’t pro Democrat. It’s just anti Trump. If I was running against Trump they’d throw their weight behind me. Biden needs 270. If he brings home Nevada he might not need Pennsylvania

Make Limerick Reasonable for the First Time.

Vote Iron Mike

He needs either Michigan+Nevada or else Michigan+Pennsylvania.

That’s assuming he wins Arizona, where he looks very good.