US Presidential Election 2020

Weā€™ve never done reasonable kid. Full duck or no dinner

This lad is like a kid at Christmas. Heā€™s having the time of his life here

Arizona is in the bag. Hes pulled 51% of the vote. Assuming it stays there or there abouts. Ditto Michigan. I reckon heā€™ll take Nevada relatively comfortably as well. Pennsylvania will just be the pint with the chaser

The Republicans have the senate and the supreme court , even if sleepy joe wins he will just be a glorified show pony, like he has been his whole life . Trump will come back stronger after this . The Democrats walking in to a country on its knees .

He made an awful stones of himself last night

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I havenā€™t got to see any coverage really yet. Iā€™m up in the home office tidying up a bit of work with CNN going on one screen while Iā€™m at it.

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Th celebs will have their partys ,lady gaga george clooney and the likes , joe will keep the chair warm for donalds finest hour .

John King is a good operator @iron_mike

Yeah hes not bad. Bret Baier of Fox is better though cc @Tierneevin1979

CNN are strongly pro Democrat, they are owned by Time Warner who are huge contributors to Democratic candidates. You are correct that they have got worse since Trump
got elected. Itā€™s simple enough, Republicans watch Fox and Democrats watch CNN and MSNBC.

America is America. They donā€™t give a fuck about Covid, it was all just a load of media hype to win votes away from Trump.

What I mean is, thereā€™s every chance that Biden ignores the virus, opens up the economy and thereā€™s a major economic boom. Jobless figures will have to improve under Biden anyway.

They definitely sound pro democrat now but was thinking it might have just been an anti trump thing

I still think in relative terms though, Fox have been way more balanced in their coverage particularly in the month or so pre election.

King is the best at analysis of the data but Fox tend to be a bit better at predicting outcomes.


Bit of a bust up in the counting station in Detroit

Fox have some balance and contributors who are liberal or anti Trump at least. CNN have just become an anti Trump network, arguably its one of the reasons Trump is doing well.


Bill Hemmer also comes across as fairly balanced

CNN had republicans on all day

If it comes to it, youā€™d hope the republicans will assist a smooth handover for the good of the American people.

Warner Media are now owned by AT&T, who are one of the biggest political donors in the US. AT&T tend to fund Republican candidates more at a rate of 60:40 to Democrats.

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