US Presidential Election 2020

Regardless of what happens here, the Democrats have a lot of soul searching to do. While I fully accept that a lot of elements have come into play here, racial equality, covid, the economy, law and order, I could go on. In real terms the perception is there for the moderate American is that the Democrats have been hijacked by extremists on the left and your average yank is not yet ready or may never be ready to take that road.

It’s all slick and colourful and the guys presenting have nice suits and haircuts but it doesn’t come within an asses roar of the night of a General Election count in the Gilhooley hall in Sligo. You’re within sight of your man making it, transfers are all over the place, tempers rising, the whiff of porter and whiskey, ketchup and sweat stains, fuckers you hate glaring angrily over your way, tallymen getting fucked out of it for perceived errors, family friends of candidates biting their lips to hold back tears, the wonderful Eileen Kilgallon sliding over for your “considered” (substitute drunken here) opinion, battle-hardened veterans producing naggin bottles of Jameson out of coat pockets and then the joy of the 8th and final count… Plus 707 - seven hundred and seven, making 10,208…

A raucous voyage home to hit the village around 3 or later…

Fuck America.


twee simpleton alert


It’s another example of how out of touch progressive Democrats are. Most working people are strongly in favor of opening up and getting back to work, and are being lectured by what they perceive as elite gobshites telling them to stay at home.

I’ve given you the like despite the fact that you omitted the fat, red faced roaster politician being chair lifted by 2 lads who are under pressure to remain upright, amidst a chorus of whooping and hollering

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A glaring omission. Mea culpa. Noted.

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The Skibereen Eagle has nothing on Fintan

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It’s a shame the mooted Fintan, Dunphy and McWilliams party never got off the ground

Rick Santorum was on anyway because I remember thinking “there’s a blast from the past”.

Edit: he’s on right now, he’s been on for hours.

Biden is not impressive

Democrats looking good now in Penn. Its obvoiusly the key state. You would hope when Sleepy Joe takes it Trump will immidiatly do the right thing and condede

Have any of you ever watched Euronews? The anchor is an Irish girl.

AZ back in play lads.

We would be living in a socialist shangrila . A great loss .

Sleepy Joe about to speak

O Biden is up

The same is more true of the Republicans. Rather than a perception, they have actually allowed their party to be hijacked by a divisive maniac who looks like being a rare recent occurrence of an incumbent failing to get returned.

There are positives for America and for the Democrats. The #1 cited issue for Democrats was racial equality. For all the horrific racial tensions that have escalated in recent years, they’ve gone and voted in their millions to help try and end that. It won’t be to everyone’s liking but you’re doing something right if you’re leaving racists behind.

The economic stuff is carnage for both parties when they choose mainstream candidates. The Republicans will have a hard time winning back any of the ground they lose tonight if they select an elite establishment candidate next time. And they’ll have an equally hard time convincing the blue states to turn if they throw a lunatic into the race again instead.

It’s far from rosy for Biden but he has attracted an enormous vote and looks like overturning an incumbent president. The order of counting has painted the commentary in a certain light but if the Republicans are just content with outperforming polls while still losing then they’re giving themselves too much credit.


Joe knows they have Penn