US Presidential Election 2020

My god this Biden speech is beautiful. ā€œDemocracy is the heartbeat of our nationā€. Iā€™m crying here.

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Joe is coming out swinging. Iā€™d say he had a grand afternoon nap for himself.


Joe! Joe! Joe!

Irish Joe is going to do it.

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Sleepy Joe has broken the record for the highest amount of votes ever in election history :clap: :clap:

ā€œI know this wonā€™t be easy. Iā€™m not naive. Neither of us are. But to make progress we have to stop treating our opponents as enemies.ā€

Joe Biden 4 November 2020

Heā€™s the only one they ever have on and heā€™s very wishy washy. Not a never Trumper but not a strong supporter either.

Itā€™ll be great to have somebody presidential back in the White House.

The sentiment is laudable but the delivery lacks vitality

What a speech from our Irish President

That speech should be enough convince the undecideds that havenā€™t been counted yet and to get Joe over the line.


They canā€™t change their vote now

I donā€™t disagree, and youā€™re right. The Republicans need a bit of soul searching as well. But certainly at the moment a lot of Americans are currently not ready to take what they perceive as a step too far to the left and this pushed a lot of them toward Trump. Votes that the Democrats are certainly capable of winning back with some tweaking

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Sure they havenā€™t even voted yet, havenā€™t you been listening to Trump?

I try not to

CNN calls Michigan for Biden the Don needs the Supreme Court to steal it for him now

Still needs NV.

Record breaker Joe has offered the olive branch to Trump. The time for healing is upon us. Trump will surely not let this moment of unity pass

Fox have already given him Arizona

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[quote=ā€œRocko, post:2488, topic:23372, full:trueā€].
Itā€™s far from rosy for Biden but he has attracted an enormous vote and looks like overturning an incumbent president.

I dont think this has much to do with Bidenā€¦as soemone said on tv, its a donald trump referendum.