US Presidential Election 2020

This talk of a rejection of the Don. He got 3.5m more votes than four years ago ffs. It was a stellar showing

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At least our Joe will sleeping too much to bombard us with nonsensical tweets

Ford was never even elected VP. Doesnā€™t count.


Iā€™d be with you on that one he wasnā€™t elected and in fact wasnā€™t on the ticket in 1972 he replaced Spiro Agnew as VP in 1973

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Iā€™d say he makes regular trips to the bowling alley and sticks the noggin in

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Eric having a meltdown on Fox

The republicans have had a decent enough election all told . I would imagine the GOP establishment will be overall content

@Lazarus referred to ā€˜sitting Presidentsā€™ - which Gerald Ford was in the 1976 election.


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Don Jnr and our own Kimberley are a much safer bet than Eric for the next ticket.

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Looks like Biden could win Pennsylvania by well over 100k once all the votes are in. No wonder the Don is having a hissy fit we are inching closer to the end game.

Hereā€™s Ruuuudi

Weā€™ll be back in Scotties in Q1 2021 :clap::clap:



Youā€™re the Eric Trump of the forum.

It was. But he inspired more people to vote against him.

The democrats must have sore arms from writing out the ballots

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Iā€™ll tip across to Boston to watch Limerick win the world series

Us sending @dodgy_keeper 2 years ago was the greatest decision he ever made.

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I meant to cc him

Whatā€™s he looking for here, a full recount? Where his man is almost half a mil up?