US Presidential Election 2020

You’re the Gary Glitter of the forum. 🤷

Yes even the dead and people who moved out of state years ago mailed in ballots. Puts a few Russian ads on Facebook into perspective

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No he wants to stop the count and have it declared


You’re in a bad place

Even though a load of dead people and martians voted? Highly suspect.

Stop following me you pedo

Old fucking creep

200 (5)

@Piles_Hussain the five is going to be good

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Cheerio don. You were mildly entertaining, a collosus on foreign affairs and have utterly destroyed a lot who fancied themselves as journalists and ended many the snowflake. A good body of work.

For conservatives the senate is safe, plenty of seats flipped in the house and the supreme court is in great shape, huge vote out, plus now facing a president who just isn’t up to the job mentally and shouldn’t have been let near it.

What will the Dems do now, olive branch with some bi partisanism? They risk annoying their extreme wing if they do. Alienate half the country if they don’t.


And old dead martians, communist ones

Even lads came out from under the table to vote

Bomb Iraq?

Hooch is crazy

Only a matter of time before there’s a bit of regime change.

I think a less toxic and divisive President is exactly what America and the world needs now. Civil war was seriously on the cards under Trump. He brought great entertainment but I think the experiment had run its course. Joe will be gone in 4 and hopefully America will be on the road to true greatness again by then.


I believe in America

Fitting that the state where the battle of Gettysburg was fought looks like being the deciding factor in the culture civil wars of our times. The good guys won in 1863 and they won again in 2020

I believe in you.

tenor (15)