US Presidential Election 2020

Theyā€™re starting to abandon ship now

Itā€™s over, Biden has scraped home.

Superb display from Trump though against all odds.

The campaign for Don Jr 2024 starts now.


Joe Biden isnā€™t able to be anything Iā€™m afraid. Did you see him calling his granddaughter his dead son yesterday?

There wasnā€™t going to be a civil war, the American civil war was a war fought by two contiguous geographic areas, it was essentially a war between two countries. How will there be a civil war in states that are divided 50/50 almost?

Do you think the left is less toxic and divisive?


Juan looks chipper as fuck :laughing:

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There will probably be more volatility in the middle East and relations with Erdongan will further deteriorate. Good chance there is an escalation in Syria. The one good thing about Trump is he could relate to nut cases like Putin and Kim Yung Un and other egomaniacs because he was one himself. They will have no respect for Biden. It will be interesting to see what the media do from here. So much of their Raison Dā€™etre was tied up in the soap opera and travelling circus that was Trump.

Yes. I think the right in itself is also less divisive than Trumpā€¦ Heā€™s a true narcissistic psychopath and an entity onto himself.

Who just got more votes than Obama

As for the left, thereā€™s as many headers as the right. Of course the center is the majority and most people just want to get on with their lives.

But no covid, would trump have won?

Just shows how polarized the US isā€¦ I can flip that and say that Joe will have gotten the most votes of anyone ever which also says a lotā€¦ I agree he ainā€™t up to much but it gives credence to the deep division in American society right now.

This is looking spot on :clap: :clap:


See new Tweets


Donald J. Trump



We have claimed, for Electoral Vote purposes, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (which wonā€™t allow legal observers) the State of Georgia, and the State of North Carolina, each one of which has a BIG Trump lead. Additionally, we hereby claim the State of Michigan if, in fact,ā€¦

Official sources may not have called the race when this was Tweeted




Donald J. Trump

Some or all of the content shared in this Tweet is disputed and might be misleading about an election or other civic process. Learn more

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ā€¦there was a large number of secretly dumped ballots as has been widely reported!

Well in that case I claim Alaska for my own electoral purposes.
Open to offers.

The only reason fake news like cnn reported on the civil unrest in America in the past few months Is because trump hasnā€™t started any global wars.

Did anyone just see that Republican nutjob on Prime Time??

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Ford was House Minority Leader while Nixon was President and Spiro Agnew was VP. Agnew had to resign when he was charged with tax evasion and Ford was nominated to replace him as VP.

Then Nixon has to resign so Ford becomes President. He held both roles without ever running in an election for either one.


I find it hard to think of a bigger cunt than trump so Iā€™m delighted he looks like losing. Iā€™d say heā€™s every single type of cunt rolled into one. A bully, a snob, a narcissist, a racist, greedy, egomaniac, selfish, vain, spoiled, vindictive, etc etc etc
He is great craic in fairness though and I hope he makes a TV comeback.

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Bipolar alert

Ballots gone missing?? What happened to count every vote. Back to the polls.

Prudence Goodwyfe voted for Biden

It needed a global pandemic to take him down.