US Presidential Election 2020

Don’t say I didn’t give you a heads up when Warren was being written off by all and sundry

Lady president of America, won’t happen. Its the elephant in the room everyone is tip toeing around.

Ivanka 2024.

It’s remarkable how the Alt Left dems don’t mention the mueller report any more. They let themselves down badly on that and lost big.

Sid and Labane finally meet up.


He gave him a fair old rattle with the right hand.

He did a very good job in making sure that nobody was filming it and that no police were in the vicinity. Fair play to him.


President Trump is great man to put a nickname on a lad. “sleepy joe” and “lying ted” :sweat_smile:

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that’s more like it


The fat lad had a good ground game.

I can’t believe what I’m hearing.

Well, then you’d better turn up your hearing aid, Pops.

Pops? I’m only three years older than you.

Do we want Old Man Biden here with his finger on the button?

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Crooked Hilary was the best of the lot. The Democrats are too nice to hit back with something like Baldy Trump.

They’ll be grand. Sure isn’t uber still flying it after all the bad press last year. These online resistance types have short memories or maybe the majority prize convenience and cheap service over online causes of the day.

Joe Biden speaking to a group of Hispanic and Asian voters in Iowa: “Poor kids are just as bright as white kids”.

What a racist cunt. Fuck the poor white kids, they can fend for themselves. The Asians must be particularly baffled as on average their families are wealthier and they score better in school than white kids.

The Democrats have jumped the shark.

Calm down mate

I’m fine mate, twas only a bit of banter from Joe.