US Presidential Election 2020

I think he heard your message about what the voters want mate

You should have yourself a pat on the back

You’ve said Biden’s the man all along, and now he’s going with your strategy

Just goes to show you’re never wrong :smile:

Trump will mop the floor with sleepy Joe Biden if he gets the Democratic nomination. He’ll crush him in the debates, and Biden is very gaffe prone too. Kamala Harris is the worst match up Trump could have I think, but she needs to get her campaign back on track ASAP after a poor showing in the last debate.

Kamala was doing fine until she was blindsided by Gabbard, something unexpected at this stage of the debates at least. She is positioning herself as the centrist alternative to Biden, as to win the nomination Biden has to be knocked off his perch. In that respect she is doing fine, my opinion is it will come down to herself and Warren when the dust settles.

The attacks on Harris on her record as DA/AG in CA demonstrate how how utterly insane and morally bankrupt the progressive wing have become. Her fucking job was to enforce the law and make sure criminals, in particular violent criminals, were taken off the streets. She was extremely popular as DA of SF and AG of CA in one of the most liberal states in the US. Ironically the only group she is unpopular with are the SF cops who never forgave her for not seeking the death penalty when a cop was killed by a gang member.

No, Low Energy Jeb! was the best of them. It was merciless and ruined him.

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Can we make a list of them:

Low energy Jeb
Crooked Hillary
Sleepy Joe
Lyin’ Ted
Crazy Bernie
Slimeball James Comey
Al Frankenstein for Al Franken
Phony O’Rourke
Little Marco
Cryin’ Chuck
Pocahantus for Elizabeth Warren
Rocket Man for Dear Leader Kim but they’re mates now


There’s a whole Wiki devoted to it.

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It’s actually quite clever when you think about it. Like reverse branding. Not very presidential mind :joy::joy:

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Lyin’ Ted and Crooked Hillary the two best. Shirley Crooked Hillary will never be beaten

Lyin Ted has a great ring to it

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What’s the story with the accusation that she suppressed evidence that would have exonerated some lad on death row? Also is this the same lady who was riding her boss for a promotion?

That chant of “lock her up” won him the election.

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SleepyCreepy Joe :smile:

any name for Slimey Willie Clinton? he must be so relieved tonight

Should she get the nomination, who she slept with will hardly hurt her, considering the competition.

The charge on suppressing evidence is a little unfair, the governor Jerry Brown had the final say and made the same decision. The case referenced was someone convicted in 1983 and confirmed later by DNA evidence. The case is under review, he has not been exonerated, so to call him innocent is a bit premature.

As Bernie Sanders said on Joe rogans podcast it’s not debates they are having, reforming healthcare and creating jobs can’t be explained in 1min.

Change Research is not the most reliable polling company (it’s C rated by 538, the same as the very unreliable Rasmussen) but if the figures in these polls bear even a minor resemblance to reality, Warren is in a very good position indeed, much better than she could have dreamed of

In fairness though I’ve great regard for her platform, Warren is an unmerciful piss pants and she’ll struggle to be elected as President.

Harris is sliding odds wise. 7/1 in places. Warren is now favourite with one bookie. Biden is still favourite in a cumulative sense.

I think she’s anything but, she’s a brilliant candidate

You really see that on stage, she is immediately way more charismatic and convincing than anybody else

She strikes the perfect balance between policy and charismatic debating skills and just comes across as a good human being in general, which is rare for any presidential candidate

Against Trump I think that would be a major plus point for her

The fact that her campaign started so slowly and has built momentum so steadily based on grass roots donations and not corporate ones is a very good sign for her prospects in a general election, quite reminiscent of how Obama built momentum in 2007 actually, and he was seen as “unelectable”

Best candidate in a US presidential election in a long time in my view