US Presidential Election 2020

Can you flesh that out a bit?

The race issue is more of a narrative than reality. The reality is Trump gained support among blacks and Hispanics, an odd result for the most racist president in history.


Do your own research you Tipp cunt.

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What an outstanding camaign from sleepy Joe when you think about it. Cool calm and collected while Trump spent the majority of it doing his nut. His grace in the face of brattish deinquency in the first debate and his ruthless destruction of the Don in the 2nd debate was probably what swung many of his 70million plus voters his way. He had his fingers on the pulse of America at all times and knew what the people wanted. A President with the capacity to be Presidential.
The USA owes him a debt of gratitude tonight


Was thinking you wouldnā€™t have anything to back it up

Good man yourself.

I know youā€™re a Trump supporter at heart, Iā€™m just too lazy now to be ladybirding anything to you.

I find this take a bit odd. that the Democrats, gaining the most votes for a candidate in history for what many consider a fairly weak candidate speaks volumes. Whether you view it that people are sick of Trump and his extremely divisive ways or whether people just want change or are happy to go more left is another thing. Iā€™m far from an expert on politics nor American politics, but Biden strikes me as someone who is looking at the greater good rather than party politics. He seems to want to bring both sides together to work as one unit rather than this deep divide that Trump enhances during his tenure.


That kind of reasoned take on things is not allowed in 2020. Pick a side and dig in you prick.


To plagiarise gad saad off Rogan

When Kavanaugh was accused of sexual assault, #believeallwomen was trending. When Biden was accused of the same with more evidenceā€¦letā€™s pretend that never happened, and no hashtags please.

47 years in politics, but year 48 is gonna be a game changer.


You clearly donā€™t have anything to back it up

Absolutely fuck all.

I couldnt care less,

Trump is less dangerous than Creepy Biden from what I know of both.

Itā€™s fairly obvious. Clinton is a poisonous bitch, and vast swathes of Americans went to the polls, held their noses, and voted for Trump.

Heā€™s a good Irish Catholic

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Donā€™t forget Biden ousted the incumbent before his time was up, something very rare in US politics. A record breaking 70million said sleepy Joe was their man, the people certainly wanted things to change no doubt about that. This election will go down in history as the moment the US got itself back on track

Were they really really black though?

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Are we allowed to discuss race, and other such topics now that Biden looks to have won?

Absolutely not.

Even though Creepy Biden is going to make matters far worse.

If youā€™re willing to admit your privilege and apologize for slavery, yes, any other opinions donā€™t meet the required level of trust Iā€™m afraid.

Kamala Harris the first lady Vice President :clap: :clap:.
This election will go down in History for so many great reasons