US Presidential Election 2020

More drone bombs on the way for the middle east?

We’re all slaves lads, people would want to wake up ffs.

Nothing more than a herd of cattle in reality.

A giant leap forward for the USA after a pretty tough time of it lately

What are you a slave to mate?

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Not yet. The mail-in ballots might not be as strong for Biden as in the other states because Nevada is the only state where every single voter got posted a mail-in ballot slip. It wasn’t just a Democrat thing like in other states.

Edit: but both Pennsylvania and Georgia are starting look better and better.

The dollar kid.

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She’s a wonderful role model for young women, as the formative years of her career (literally) under Willie Brown will attest to.

A giant leap was made back in the 60’s when Biden was in his prime, mate.

Landing on the moon. Poor auld Biden is looking back there still.

Vegas 53% O Biden


What are CNN gonna do without trump to talk about 24 hours a day. And democrats of all strands now don’t have trump and, am, Russia to blame for all ills, well they’ll blame him for the first year or two. But pretty soon they’ll go at each other, the progressive crocodile has to be fed and needs a bogey man. A teachable moment coming up for SF voters.

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Mankind is the real winner tonight


Georgia committed to finishing the count tonight :clap:

Creepy Biden is a strange adjective to use considering Trump has been accused of sexual harassment and worse by even more women

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I’m not talking about Clinton

What do you know of, can you give us a bullet point or 5?

Really? Your finger is not very close to the pulse of a nation, which will remain divided as 50% of the voting population will be more outraged than before. Is conflict going to end, or escalate? What about the “mostly peaceful” protests? Are they a thing of the past?

Is Biden going to stop taking on dangerous quantities of debt?

What about the censorship on social media, which became part and parcel of the past year? Is that all put to bed now?

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Apologies. Biden is also a poisonous cunt.

Everything is gonna be okay now lads. Move on.

I couldnt risk it mate, honestly.