US Presidential Election 2020

Wise move.

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Hopefully mate, good will always defeat evil to be fair.

That Blue - Red shit is a distraction in all honesty as you know well.


Hey young man theres no need to be down. The whole world is celebrating tonight. Pick yourself off the ground and join in :dancing_women:


It’s a little bit scary when the election of the president to the most powerful country in the world comes down to the amount of women you have sexually harassed


Biden is a surreptitious creep and more dangerous wojld be the thing I guess. His son likes hanging around prostitutes anyway.

Clinton was on the same plane as Epstein 26 times. There’s an undercurrent with that generation of Democrats and it isn’t too far below the surface.

Youd see Trump coming a mile off, but not these freaks.


All’s well mate. I’m letting TFK distract me from some study in coalition-building and conflict resolution. Enjoy your night. :pint:

I’m glad Biden won as he won’t deal with Boris, better for us.

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Better the deviant you know eh

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I’d rather not know either of the cunts.


An upfront cunt

I am running through my projections here for Georgia and very tempted to declare her Blue!!!( That means Democrat cc @The_Most_Infamous)
I will hold off for the minute, some lads are excitable enough here already

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ah Biden probably hasn’t the energy for it anymore anyway.

The saddest part of all this is how happy Matt Cooper seems

Its fun to stay at the CBCR

Avoid any of his platforms mate, life is too short.

Lock him up!!!

So it’s a bit like lord of the rings then?

Lads have been banned here for less.

One lad was hero worshipped

The only colour I care about @Lazarus you know is Green.

Fuck em mate, honestly.