US Presidential Election 2020

That was only to get a rise out of Gloria


Yes. Fuck Limerick.


Gloria Esteban

See ye in the final mate.

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And snorting coke out of their anal cavaties

I’ll drink to that!

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Trump suing Georgia now :smile: :smile:

He sounds like tremendous fun. You reckon we hang the father for the sins of the son?

That’s a shitty way to do coke

Maybe if he is holding him out as some pillar of the community. Would bring Joe’s judgement into question for me.

I’m starting to suspect you’re the one on drugs

Non sequitur

I think the most bizarre occurrence of the past 24 hours is how that donkey Ted Wheeler won a second term.

It’s a hoot. Lads piously sighing relief that racism is now behind us, while happily and earnestly turning a blind eye to as much racism in front of them.
But they’ve been told how to think and there’s really not much to do about it.
Would you give trump or his son in law much credit for their efforts in the middle east?

How should they think?

They should think for themselves. Biden has as much, if not more baggage in that department than trump.

I can hold back no longer.
I am declaring Georgia BLUE.
According to all my spreadsheets and pie charts, yes the Democrats will take Georgia
Well holy fuck

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Maybe they are thinking for themselves, how can you know

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