US Presidential Election 2020

Because they’re parroting the same one sided lazy cliches

How does a cliche become a cliche

That’s all we can ever hope for.

Although personally I think there is a certain merit in humanity being ruled viciously with an iron fist.

It’s parroted by people

Because they agree with the sentiment. Incredible.

Lack of sleep must be tearing you apart mate,

I don’t know how you do it - 18 hour shifts here are no joke.

You’re digging yourself in I see.

I would actually, and give Trump credit for his overall foreign policy. No new wars, no added countries destabilized and left in ruins like Libya. Specifically on Israel I would hope the progress continues, surely if all Muslim majority countries in the region signed peace agreements with Israel that has to be a good thing.

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What more could foreigners ask of an American president?

@Tierneevin1979 any word on the % of eligible voters that voted?

That’s what I thought. But he’s a psychopath apparently, @Thomas_Brady said so. The fashionable narrative would be to say that bush/Blair were war criminals, Obama deserved the Nobel prize and trump was divisive.
It’s quite possible that trump had no more concern for not dropping bombs than Obama had for dropping more bombs in more places than any president since ww1, it was probably just down to pragmatism on trump’s part

When all is said in done it will be north of 60%, the highest since at least 1968.

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I’ve fox on now with Tucker Carlson. Some lad on with him complaining that the media are calling victories in states before they’re confirmed. I’m not sure if the irony is lost that the network he is speaking on has called wins for the man he is whining about.

And then straight into a segment of what fox have called already and declared on their big map.



In fairness Tucker wont see you wrong.

A malignant narcissist I would say rather than a psychopath. Common enough among those who get to power positions whether politics or business, except most are adept at hiding it. Trump didn’t give a shit about offending anyone, which is why he has such support.

Had to switch it off. He’s just a pure troll. “Detroit, the worst managed place in the western hemisphere, deciding your next president”.


You couldn’t make it up

You really couldn’t

Still an average turnout when all is said and done. For all the media talk about the importance of this election that’s a huge cohort of people not voting. Who are the non voters? Minorities, immigrants, hillbillies etc? Prisoners, ex cons and undocumented don’t get a vote either in most states do they!

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