US Presidential Election 2020

I guess college kids as well, and more importantly people who realise its a joke having to pick between just two 70 year old plus pensioners who maybe billionaires who ultimately won’t change anything in their lives for them really.

Mad a good amount of lads on here do be hanging off his every word

The fix is in alright

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North of 60% is good by US standards, 50-55% for past few decades. A lot of young people don’t vote here, every election they are predicted to come out and vote but never happens. We voted here in Cali to let ex cons vote, a just decision.

Sleepy Joe not fucking around :clap: :clap:

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His first bad decision, how about pressurizing China to take it seriously?

how is it a bad decision?

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Thats what hes doing

We’re very lucky in a way that the lockdowns have more or less achieved the 7% reduction in carbon without any economic impacts this year here.

The Paris accord doesn’t address the most pressing global environmental problem, which is China and it’s total disregard for the health of the planet. You are aware of their coal plant program in Africa I assume?

The outright whinging and crying from the Republican and Trump brigade across the board tonight is something to behold

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I suppose in a lot of states the perception is that it doesn’t matter as the result is pretty much locked in anyway. May explain some of it. Still that’s an awful lot of votes gone to waste. All the talk of polarisation in the country no one ever mentions the 40%+ that can’t be bothered or are not allowed vote.

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surely the US needs to be committed to reducing carbon irregardless of China?

They are though, emissions have been dropping steadily since 2005. The US is the global leader in technology to reduce carbon. Have you heard of Tesla?

who has a higher carbom emmission per capita? China or the US?

The US has gone from 21 metric tons to 16 since 1980, China from 1.5 to 8. Given China’s 1.5 billion population compared to the US at 330 million, which trend do you think is more worrying?

Poor oul Donald. He’ll be in jail getting his hole widened. :smile:

oh, they are both terrible, the US plans to reduce carbon under trump was terrible with Chinas plans slighty better

Just confirms what I said, US has been declining since 2005 and China accelerating.

Republicans looking to replace Don with Tucker, per source