US Presidential Election 2020

Off the record but the word is now Trump has acknowledged if he loses Georgia hes closer to the ‘Out House then the White House’. The flip side is he holds Georgia and turns Arizona then ‘all bets are on’.
Georgia seems to have caught them totally on the hop by all accounts

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So sad to see Kayleigh reduced to this

very worrying



Tbf they’re taking it much better than I anticipated

What votes do Trump supporters want counted and which do they not want to be counted?

Trump votes

Not trump votes


They’re not as cray cray as they’re portrayed

:grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:…ask a stupid question…

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“Gone from picking cotton to picking presidents”

Democracy :dembele:


Nah. The reality is racial equality was the single most important issue for people who voted for Biden according to the exit polls. Your narrative is false no matter how often you repeat it.

More people voted for Biden because of racial inequality than any other reason. And people who voted to improve racial equality almost exclusively voted for Biden.

But hey if you read this wrong 24 hours ago you may as well stick to your guns and brazen it out.


Arizona looks to be moving towards “uncertain who will win” territory

Biden 69k lead. 400k votes to count.

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You really have to wonder at what stage do the Republicans make a stand and take back control of their Party.

Letting Trump continue with the conspiracy theories and threats of legal action is terribly damaging to their proud History whatever leaning those looking on from afar have.

Liberals should be worried about the lack of a landslide

Deep dread as Trump is resilient and electorally competitive

After an economic and public health shock, after four years of exhausting drama, after impeachment, Americans have not emphatically rejected either Donald Trump or Trumpism. Even if he loses the White House to Joe Biden, that will be the central lesson of the US election for a watching world, as much as for one nation’s anxious liberals.

An unfancied president made short work of Florida (the pollsters’ Waterloo) and put paid to rash talk of a blue Texas. At worst, Trump will lose by a respectable margin. He may yet prevail, with or without the legal action he trailed in a statement that was no less grim for its predictability.

Naturally, a Biden win, even a slight one, is a better outcome for liberalism than Hillary Clinton’s loss in 2016. But the absence of a landslide and a strongly Democratic Senate will sting. Four years ago, the party could cite excuses and circumstances: an unpopular candidate, an opponent with no political history to attack.

This time, they have no such solace. Democrats nominated a seasoned and unobjectionable moderate. They ran on the fundamentals of public health and prosperity. They amassed a Fort Knox of campaign money.

They had the encouraging precedent of the 2018 midterm elections. Above all, they had Trump’s ethical and administrative record to go after. All the raw materials were there for a crushing victory that would double as a purgative moment for the republic: a clean-up of sorts.

50-50 nation

Yes, a Californian running mate was never ideal – the election hinges on the Midwest and the southeast – but there was no clear alternative to Kamala Harris. As for his avoidance of mass political rallies, Biden could hardly run as a slayer of the coronavirus pandemic while holding them.

At this point in the search for unforced errors, the trail runs cold. Liberals are left to accept a deeper fact about the US. Far more than when the phrase started doing the rounds a generation ago, this is a 50-50 nation, or thereabouts.

There is almost no politician good enough to prise voters en masse from the opposing half of the electorate – the last to win more than 400 electoral college votes was George H W Bush, in 1988. And there is almost no deed or statement so bad as to cost a politician many votes from their own side. Whatever the pretensions of Washington’s architecture, politics is now better understood as a high-stakes version of team sport than as the discursive ideal of the ancients.

What is more, liberals cannot even bank on demographic change to tilt 50-50 into 60-40 in their favour. Trump’s apparent gains among voters of Latin-American ancestry (in Florida, for instance) are ominous for the left. A more diverse nation is not axiomatically a more progressive one. Liberalism will have to fight for its future, not assume it.

Half-a-loaf politics

The states of Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania may yet turn for Biden. Arizona has gone from red to blue without much of a transition phase, just as Virginia did in 2008. Yet even these achievements would have struck liberals as the bare minimum on the eve of the election. Nor do they amount to any kind of national resolution. A system in which neither party wins or loses very badly – nor hangs on to unified government for very long – should be all the more peaceful. In practice, this half-a-loaf politics merely deprives whoever is president of pan-national legitimacy.

Of course, even the narrowest win is still potentially world-changing. It is no more possible to be half-president than half-pregnant. If elected, Biden could unwind much of Trump’s foreign policy, regardless of which party controls the Senate. His election would be toasted in Nato headquarters and the chancelleries of most US allies. Executive power will also matter in the fight against the pandemic. And even a raising of the presidential tone is worth something.

No, if there is a sense of liberal dread today, it is less about the scotched dreams of a progressive realignment than Trump’s dismaying resilience. For four years, he has lived down to the Democrats’ direst expectations and remained electorally competitive. Not enough Americans regard him as a tyrant or a klutz, or care either way. Even if he loses, he has done well enough to remain the Republicans’ reference point in opposition and a plausible candidate in 2024.

And that is the best-case scenario for the cause of liberalism. Vote-counting, or a court ruling to stop it, may yet bring about the very worst one.– Copyright The Financial Times Limited 2020

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You started this off with a simplistic platitude about leaving racists behind. The reality is a bit more complex and puzzling…harris herself called biden out for racism, segregationalism and for openly aligning himself with openly racist figures. So how is this leaving racism behind?
@Tierneevin1979 simply suggested that the racist narrative didn’t reflect the reality and pointed out that trump had increased his vote amongst African Americans, Latinos etc.

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The “narrative” that Trump increased his vote within the black and hispanic communities as if to say that this is some kind of balancing or that the majority are voting for Trump. Trump increased his polling of black peoples votes from 6% to 12%. So there is still 88% of black voters not wanting Trump in. Yeah you can look at the increase and be concerned, and the democrats were already warned over their lack of effort over the Hispanic vote in Florida, but its not like the results are some kind of resounding win for Trump within those communities. Again, I’m far from an expert on all this, but the manipulation of who can vote or the way they can divide electoral districts in America astounds me. Yer wan Kayleigh McEnany saying that postal votes opened after election day shouldnt count, even though they were all made prior to the close of the polls. this coming from a woman who has availed of the mail vote option 12 times in the past 12 years, but now she wants it to be excluded and votes not counted. Democracy me arse.


OOPS Pennsylvania dont forget to count these

Where did you record that?

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