US Presidential Election 2020

Been watching her for at least a decade. The Coming Collapse of the Middle Class was a brilliant and prescient polemic but she won’t be elected as President, I’m afraid. Her personality won’t work in a general election.

Conventional wisdom usually doesn’t work in politics

Five of the last six presidents, arguably six of the last seven, were seen as unelectable

“Safe candidates” have a terrible record

Only Bush Senior was a “safe candidate” who won and he was turfed out after one term

Warren has a brilliant way of articulating, in simple language, a message that hits you in the gut and the heart

That is how you win, not with the policy by polling that Democrats traditionally rely on which has led them nowhere

Have you given up on full stops?

Have you given up on periods?


Sure we’ll see. I wouldn’t be in the slightest bit disappointed to see her elected.

Monmouth is rated an A+ pollster by 538

Biden was down to 22% in an Economist/YouGov poll a couple of days ago so things appear to be trending badly away from him

Sanders and Warren are both showing strong ability to win over “conservative” Democrats and independents

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The greatest wum of all time.


In fairness that’s class.


That is top class WUM .

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Lovely :blush:

Wonderful. Ha Ha Fake News :joy:.

4 more years 4 more years 4 more years

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Looks like trump is gone.

Looks like the radicalized left have overtaken the moderates in the Democratic Party.

Matt Cooper is losing a serious amount of sleep thinking about it. Hes aged 10 years just to look at. Trump is getting shit done and there are always people who don’t want progress.

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It’s on

Democrats ‘to launch Trump impeachment inquiry’

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Great news :+1: