US Presidential Election 2020

The Democrats waited for most of the results to be counted so they knew roughly how many they needed to catch up

Those large blue bubbles are like a virus. An old, creepy, Herbert-like virusā€¦

Iā€™m surprised at the Dems putting as many as 34% Trump votes into some of those batches.

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Thatā€™s an environmentally smart move in fairness. You donā€™t want to be printing anymore ballots than you need and wasting paper.

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Has Trump emerged from his bunker yet to address his people or is he still hurling out tweets from under the bed, why is he hiding?

I donā€™t deal in narratives, Iā€™ll leave that to you. Here are the facts:

Democratic expectations going in to this election were a comfortable win for Biden / rejection of Trump, expand their lead in the House and win back the Senate. None of those goals have been realized. Biden looks to have gained about 6 million votes over Clinton in 2016, Trump has also gained about 6 million votes over himself in 2016. The election will be decided on small margins in a few swing states, just like 2016.

The Senate remains Republican and the House majority has been reduced by at least 7. I wouldnā€™t call that a victory and most Democrats would agree, itā€™s actually a resounding defeat for the progressive Democrat agenda. What you will see in the coming weeks is the moderate wing of the party take back control after this disappointing result, this was a huge opportunity for Democrats and they blew it.

A president can accomplish nothing without the support of Congress. Obama was able to push through Obamacare as he had control of Congress, Trump was able to push through his tax plan as he had control of congress. Maybe Biden can turn back time and reach across the aisle to Republicans and get things done, we will see.

Democrats need to focus on what working people actually care about, and less on what rich progressive liberals in states like Cali care about.


I can picture him trying to get into the White House press room and various people tackling to the ground and it happening every 26 minutes for the last 40 hours or so.

Sometimes getting out of the Oval office, sometimes getting as far as the bullpen. A couple of times getting right to the door and being pancaked.

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Things are bad when Simon Harris is having a cut off you

harris is an awful count


I heard he was making panicked phone calls to Rupert Murdock all night long desperatly begging for him to reverse the call on Arizona and old Ruupy told him to get fucked

Getting publicly mugged by Bosco is not a good look for Trump.

Who are the leading lights of the moderate wing of the Democrats?

Crazy Nancy

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Democracy and freedom are the real winners here.

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Almost all the gains in the House in 2018 were moderate Democrats. Most of the Democratic candidates who ran for the Senate in 2020 are moderates, Greenfield in Iowa, Warnock in Georgia, etc. The two who won, Hickenlooper in Colorado and Kelly in Arizona are moderates. The main battle they faced was fending off the progressive agenda they were labelled with, defund the police, Green New Deal, Medicare for All.

The youth wing.

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For Trump itā€™s a bit like the 2016 All Ireland where Mayo conceded 2 spectacular own goals to stop them from winning. This election was very winnable for Trump but Arizona and Possibly Georgia (Although itā€™s too close to call) could be the 2 turning points for him. His treatment of John McCain who was no shrinking violent either lead to his wife and former allies to pledge their support for Biden. In Georgia he went against the Centre of Disease control who have their headquarters there and employ 1000s in Atlanta.

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you could be describing a trump supporter

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They were screaming stop the count in one state and screaming count that vote in another state ā€” Trump is not a friend of freedom and democracy.