US Presidential Election 2020

Fucking hell is this ever gonna end. Iā€™m looking forward to the virus thread taking off again.

72 million votes for record breaker Joe. And counting.
What a glorious result against all odds :clap: :clap:

He wrote it in caps so it must be true.

Maybe he means votes cast, or maybe heā€™s a headerā€¦or both. The point I was making was about his statement on the night of the election where everyone got their knickers in a twist when he said stop voting

A bit like that time he told everyone to inject themselves full of bleach


no not really

Absentee voting by mail has been around in the US since the mid 1800s. Every state has allowed it in some shape or form since the 1940s.

Yes but the votes usually have to be on site for election day. The recent changes to the one PA which allows votes be counted if they are posted on the day of the election is pretty new AFAIK.

muldoons and their twee analogies comparing the presidential election to the likes of the 2004 Munster Hurling Final :sweat_smile:


Itā€™s not. Post marked by Election Day has been in use in many states for a long time. This is esp true for military votes.
Most states continue counting ballots for weeks after the election, you just donā€™t hear about it because the numbers used to be small enough as to not affect the outcome of the election.

Nearly certain they had to be on site for election day. Military abroad had special collections and if there was a delay in getting those back there may have been exceptions but as you state this hasnā€™t been decisive. I donā€™t believe that if you are resident in the country that there was a relaxation
The rules for mail in voting were changed this year due to covid.
This year in some states every registered voter was sent their ballot in the post.

Probably the way its going to go but I suppose if you can do your banking on line th eday when we are all voting on line isnā€™t far off.

I have Biden losing Georgia by 11,354 with 55,000 votes left and a gap of 14,857.

Las Vegas has voted for Sleep Joe

I am declaring Alaska for Team Trump


None of that has anything to do with what I wrote about the reality of racial inequality being a big factor in how people voted. But Iā€™ll generously acknowledge that your shift to talking about Congress and Obamacare is as close as youā€™ll get to conceding the point.

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If you feel this election is a great victory then Iā€™m genuinely happy for you. I can assure you a lot of Democrats in the US donā€™t regard it as much of a victory, as regardless of the differences between progressives and moderates on the issues, the result is nothing will get done.

Yeah, itā€™s not much of a race really - more of a slog.

The election represents a rejection of Trumpā€™s vulgarity by the educated American.

@Thomas_Brady the only plan that really makes sense for Trump is to try and get his neck ahead in Arizona or Nevada and then immediately launch a nationwide case to stop all counting in every state. He hasnā€™t been able to do that yet because Biden is ahead in AZ and NV. Heā€™s gaining in Arizona so that might change.

A weak narrative even for you

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