US Presidential Election 2020

The ordinary decent people of America were fooled one time. They werenā€™t going to be fooled again

What is taking so long in Alaska? Tiny population so they should really have counted the votes by now.

You could probably save us both some trouble if you read what I wrote instead of what you would like for me to have written.

Many millions voted to help try and end racial inequality. I think thatā€™s a good thing. Iā€™m not sure why you canā€™t leave that alone and feel the need to respond to it with irrelevancies about progressives and Obamacare and (gasp) people you know.

If I was being uncharitable Iā€™d say you were just doing your damndest to portray everything in a negative light for anything liberal or Democrat because it suits your personal bias.

If I was being even more uncharitable Iā€™d say you feel the need to respond negatively to any post about racial equality as you have done for many months on here.

But truthfully I couldnā€™t really care. Iā€™m sure Iā€™ll get your jaded world view back in response but save yourself the trouble. Youā€™re clearly not reading my posts so Iā€™ll extend the same courtesy to you.


Iā€™m sure they all see it as a dreadful defeat. What would they have seen it as if Trump wins?

One observation Iā€™d make Rocko is that the 30+% of Democrat voters who said their biggest concern is racial inequality are never going to vote Republican ever, no matter no good or bad the economy gets.

Great to see the voters in California strive for true racial equality and dismiss the nonsense of affirmative action

I couldnā€™t care less about your opinion either, so agree to leave it there.


We won. How awful :rofl:

I see virtue signalling is still a thing.

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Agreed. I wasnā€™t saying it in the context of being great for the Democrats or a resounding shift of voters from Trump. Though I imagine there is a cohort of Republicans and independents who left him because of his policies and pronouncements on race matters.

The point Iā€™m making is simply that Trump was happy to tolerate, support and promote some pretty horrible racists. And rather than ignore or tolerate it, millions of people cited it as their #1 reason for voting for his opponent. I think thatā€™s pretty good for US society and for the world at large given our exposure to US culture and media.


I think youā€™d have to say this is a rejection by the educated American of Trump and what he stands for but to be honest they probably never accepted it in the first place.


Nevada is a complete and utter balls. The Secretary is giving a press conference right now, has basically said that it wonā€™t be over until Saturday at the latest.

I thought he said Nov 12th? He fairly clamped some reporters there in fairness to him

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Heā€™s taking no prisoners a bit like a Trump presser

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Core voters for both parties will never vote for the other party, that is more true now than ever in US history. If you want to win more seats in Congress the key is to appeal to Independent voters which is a larger voting block than either partyā€™s core vote.

Yes heā€™s just said they have to accept ballots into next week.

Absolute and utter balls

Itā€™s hard pick ballots apart when youā€™re bleeding freezing

Fuck. Looks like Iā€™ll have to take next week off now


Pub was probably gonna be closed anyways

We can count ~140 million votes nationwide in a day but itā€™s going to take another 3 or 4 days to count 50,000 in Vegas?