US Presidential Election 2020

That was tremendous fun. The next few months will be mad

That was the Don’s version of a concession speech.

Maybe the don could seek asylum in Belarus

Or Doonbeg

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As I predicted. He’s toast and he knows it. Anyone worth a fuck has turned their backs already, the rest will follow now

Neil Lennon and Donald Trump with two crazy speeches tonight. Blaming everyone but themselves and refusing to accept the inevitable.


Trump needs to taken out.

He got a lot of votes considering the whole print and TV media were against him.

Credit him there and not starting any new wars over his tenure.

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Obese turtle :rofl:


An obese turtle on his back, flailing


He said he was a bad loser. You fuckers can’t say you weren’t warned.

Obese turtle on his back in the sun


They need to pull rug out now. They won’t as they want his voters.

Trump is flirting with a full blown move to dictatorship and the scary part is he has the backing of the gun toters.

Which is terrifying. They’ve gotten to the point now where people only believe the truth if they want to. That should scare the shit out of any right thinking person. The roadmap is there for any wannabe dictator around the world

They are terrified to go against him. Anyone who has is wiped out

Dont worry, all the generals in the real military hate his guts. It would be fun watching the industrial military complex and the proud boys in a battle mind you

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Absolutely, but at the same time, what does Creepy Biden actually stand for?

I’m not following it closely to be honest, but just looking at him, I’d be reluctant to let him walk my dog.

He looks shook and he could fall over any minute.