US Presidential Election 2020

Cruelty over Compassion
Division over Unity

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Santorumā€™s conscience just stirred for the first time in so long heā€™s like the young monk in The Name of The Rose when the peasant girl jumps him in the stable


Heā€™s a great man to come out against him when heā€™s lost.

Big news guysā€¦

You canā€™t understand joe without understanding what it was like growing up growing up in South Wales with ginger hair.
Christ but there are some awful gawdhelpus types.


The algorhithyms have been processed and the results are in.

The Empire of the South has voted BLUE.

Game over

So youā€™ve actually got nothing against Biden except a few token slurs that are founded on nothing more than him beating Trump? Iā€™m not a fan of either but any sane person can see Trump is unhinged and is ripping America apart. Itā€™s grand sneering away thinking weā€™re no affected by it, but we areā€¦ Weā€™d be like Albania only for America


Hope to jaysus the military do the right thing and take the nuclear codes off Trump this evening. He is in a right state.

We are America
America is Irish

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The hands that built America

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I would have rathered Trump stay on but its a marginal one to be honest.

Ultimately, between those two candidates, what the fuck are America at in 2020 in terms of pretending theyā€™ve a democracy.

Its a joke. Thats my view on it really.

Lads relying on this Oā€™Biden lad here to bring some sort of change would want to wake up. Ffs.

Trump is making an absolute cunt of himself. Thereā€™s no two sides to this or tfk contrarian viewpoint Iā€™m afraid. Everyone on fox news were shaking their heads in disbelief at the mad bastard.

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The Post have now abandoned ship

If Trump won, you and others would be shouting ā€œDemocracy Worksā€ to have a sneer at the left. Now he loses and America isnā€™t a democracy apparently

Just covered on Sky News. Very suspicious goings on in Atlanta Georgia regarding absentee ballots.

There was a Water Leak on Tuesday morning at 6am in the State Farm arena in Atlanta Ga
It happened in a room where the Absentee Ballots were being tabulated
the repairs were sorted within 2 hours
and the vote counting was slightly delayed while those repairs were taking place

Trump taking his cue from the Ivory Coast

I actually thought trump sounded fairly measured there, rambling a bit but we all got the message- unsolicited ballots, votes cast after voting had closed and lack of observers.

It seems the measured thing would be to address his concerns calmly and thoroughly and take it from there. He might be glad to see the back of it all.

Once youā€™ve all calmed down of course.

Hold the front page

Imagine the meltdown he would have had if he took questions :sweat_smile:

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