US Presidential Election 2020

stfu you stupid cunt

They had to look at the count with binoculars

It’s amazing; entrenched posters are pinning their hopes on winning INTERNET arguments on an unlikely voter fraud in some sparsely populated, desert shithole county in a state 5000 miles away.


Level 8 :laughing:

Why are the Dems afraid of a fair fight?

Is Camálagh O’Harris a Papist or a Prod?

Did being edgy on the INTERNET by supporting Donald Trump not become boring in around 2017*?

*searches posts for pledges of support to Trump.


The wummers have become the wummed


She’s very Proddy with a bit of Hindu also

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Sleepy Joe
Our boy’s gonna do it
Fuck the snowflakes
They’ve rigged it
It doesn’t matter anyway because we’ll control the Senate


FOX news … presenters instructed not to refer to Biden as President elect. Murdoch bends the knee to Trump

I think because in Trump’s second term he was finally going to unearth the democratic party . Expose them completely and embed in a new establishment, an establishment with ethics, not a crowd of satanists.

This is a Biden forum now mate. Time to fall in.


Not enough

What’s your beef with Satanists mate? America was founded on freedom of religious expression and all.

That’s his first tweet in 7 hours. He’s fucked.

He’s going the wrong way about it for a man who may need a presidential pardon.

good lad