US Presidential Election 2020

What a lift in these dark times

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I have to say I had my doubts he was the best candidate the Democrats could come up with but that was class.

Go President Biden!

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I thought Obama in Grant Park in 2008 was the moment until this speech tonight off the charts


That was truly breathtaking. Life begins at 77 nowadays it would appear.

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Ger Loughnane-esque. A belter of a speech. Both speakers had some beautiful sly cuts at Trump, continuously referring to the pandemic, science and the need for unity.
Donald’s dog has gone for the byre for safety such is the seethe in the WH.


He nearly had me wishing I was Murican … nearly … then he started with the god shit.

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What a night for the Irish, #4 ND leading by 10 at the half over #1 Clemson.


We ruled Keenland too

We’ll have Joe and Sam on our shoulders in December.

It will take the edgelords a few days to figure tonights result out.


It’s huge. We’re back. It’s bigger than JFK

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We are at an inflection point in history. Joe O Biden is the man who will bring us forward and make the world come to its senses again

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TFK coach to Galway in December.

They couldnt pay me enough

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Grand speech by Joe. Hopefully trump concedes over the coming days. Kamalas speech had episodes of Veep running through my head. I can’t warm to her.

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Have OANN called it yet pal?

Is that some offaly news station?

Superb :smile:

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OANN is a media network over there thats even further right than FOX who have already turned their back on Trump. Have you any news?