US Presidential Election 2020

Trump really has made America great today.


But sure he’d always have Clare along to brighten things up.


Proud of my mayo roots


Hon Joe. Even if you think hes the most evil man in the world you’d have to feel emotional for a fella who lost his wife and one year old daughter in a car crash and then after raising his two sons on his own saw one of them die in his 40s. This shit of trying to smear him about hunter being a druggie etc too. Fairly sure being injured in a car crash as a kid and seeing your mother and sister die in front of you would be reasonably traumatic and in the real world could send anyone wrong.
The amazing thing about all this is biden hardly played on it. He barely mentioned it in the debates or even in his speech last night. The fact that he also beat the biggest cunt to ever stand on two legs makes it a good day all round.


You’re spot on. It’s quite common for unqualified trauma victims to suffer from millions of dollars being handed to them for nothing in particular. He has my sympathy.

I think even you might admit that smearing joe about how much of a fuck up he turned out is a bit much

There’s lads here like @Batigol and @ironmoth who’d happily kill off all the 77 year olds so they could get out for a pint.


The Sindo are talking up a former Limerick hurler from Knockaderry as the next US Health Secretary.

Where? I wouldn’t judge anyone for having a drug problem, there but for the grace of God.
But you’re a strange simple minded fool if you’re playing off millions of Russian, Chinese and Ukrainian dollars against losing your family in a car crash.

I was just thinking that this has to be the first election I’ve seen where the President’s main strategy was to make up lies saying “this guy is a paedophile”. And Biden didn’t rise to it at all.

Where did the president say that?

Amtrak Joe :clap:

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It’s over. The decent people of America finally woke up, found the ballots in their mail box that they never asked for and posted them in a couple of days late.

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Jayses I think some of the lads who were backing Biden around here are more rattled by his election than the Trump followers


Would you call it a “melt-up” or what? Embarrassing stuff here last night


There’ll be some videos of joe kissing the downtrodden, black men crying and red necks hollering before the twitter algorithm has finished it’s work here.