US Presidential Election 2020

Iā€™ll give him this much, when he throws his weight behind something, hes like a badger

I said people with a college education voted against Trump and always have. Itā€™s my understanding that this was accurate, or so CNN have told me. That triggered you somehow, I dont care.

Thatā€™s a very risky generalisation. While it may be true of younger graduates, I doubt it would hold much water in the older population, who would be less interested in issues such as race , equality etc. and more interested in whatā€™s in their paycheck at the end of the month

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Contrarian? :rofl: Youā€™re the biggest WUM on this forum :rofl:

Donald J. Trump




ā€œWe believe these people are thieves. The big city machines are corrupt. This was a stolen election. Best pollster in Britain wrote this morning that this clearly was a stolen election, that itā€™s impossible to imagine that Biden outran Obama in some of these states.

Who is this ā€œbest pollster in Britainā€?


:rofl: that name did cross my mind

Heā€™s the best at everything. Heā€™d win the Olympic marathon if he bothered entering

Digging a massive hole there considering the Brits are fucked come January thanks to the lies farage spread over there. America will be great again without trump. And the brits can drop the ā€œgreatā€ now too

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They should have done that a few decades ago.


You should hear my grandfathers rant on it. Hates the cunts

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Maybe, but itā€™ll be a while before another politician manages to pull the wool over your eyes. Youā€™ve me to thank for that!

AH! Sure Sleepy Joe did it again last night but in the cold light of day ā€¦

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Iā€™d say you found it was just that bit easier to scramble the eggs, buy the papers and walk the dog now that the bad man is gone. Sob.

Thatā€™s actually true. The prospect of another 4 years of blatant lies, corruption and downright boorishness was not something I looked forward to. The world will actually be a (however slightly) better place without his circus.


Dunnoā€¦he did a lot of good for the black folks. That van Jones fella said so ā€¦