US Presidential Election 2020

What was that phrase they used to use? Uncle Tom?

They still use it


Yeah, I suppose I just did.

So are you saying he was an uncle tom now or when he was with trump?

Once an Uncle Tom …

So you think a black person should have a prescribed set of opinions, vote and behave in a certain way?

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@glenshane is in complete meltdown


Completely irrespective of colour, he comes across as a self serving opportunistic weasel.


The planet is safer now

We will see. it certainly isn’t more dangerous, but the Americans, like the rest of the western world, need every cent they can get.

In terms of commitments to reduce carbon. I believe Biden is sincere in that.

In terms of war Trump was better than obama


I said that? Jeez, I must type a few words every now and then. I might come up with a best selling novel.

It appears so and I thought he was just wumming.

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I hope there’s no backsliding on carbon. The rats haven’t got at Biden yet.

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Not really. You seemed to suggest that educated people were better or more moral than uneducated people. I was just asking what you meant. Then you brought it to our attention that trump called biden a paedophile, I merely asked where. A few days ago I pointed out the irony of an educated man like yourself dismissing science…I thought it was a fine post…you’re much more eloquent than trump, even I you’re saying exactly the same thing.

Is it possible that you’re getting carbon and pollution confused?

Anything is possible. I think fossil fuels and plastics and o Dr population are the major problems of our time.


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Alright, I was going to give you a “fuck off back to Derry ye deplorable” type message but you’re a decent poster and I’ll give you the courtesy of a proper response, which might also be slightly pedantic:

  • From what I’ve seen a liberal college education has the potential to enrich / deepen a person’s moral life (up to a point). Education has the potential to broaden the mind and a broader mind has the potential to allow for more difference amongst people. I remember reading somewhere that it’s “harder to kill someone for an idea if you’ve read a lot of Dickens” and that’s probably true;
  • That doesn’t mean you can’t be a good man without a good education or you’ll be a good man if you get expensive schooling;
  • I also think that people with higher level of education are less likely to be attracted by Trump’s style of discourse because they’ve been trained to react to something more complicated.
  • I also think that part of Trump’s appeal was resentment at the “liberal elite”. You are less likely to identify with that resentment if you were actually one of the people he was accusing of being an elitist, or if you know a lot of people like that from college.
  • People with a liberal education are more likely to be pro-gay rights and therefore more anti-Trump.

You’ve read an awful lot between the lines here and that’s on you. I said more educated people had rejected Trump. You’ve taken that as I “seemed to suggest that educated and people are better and more moral than uneducated people”. You’re the one who’s equated voting for Trump with being bad or being immoral. This hasn’t stopped you bemoaning Trump’s downfall. This suggests something very unhappy, resentful or conflicted inside you.

You’re giving the impression that the sight of lots of happy people somewhere in the world has tipped you over the edge.

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