US Presidential Election 2020

Someone really needs a hug


Has he anyone he could contact for an auld prayer

Are the Republicans accepting the House and Senate results

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Porbably not. The Senate runoff for the 2 seats in Georgia could well be one of the most brutal elections we’ll ever see


Biden only got 4 or 5 million more votes than trump which is disturbing but bernie hits the nail on the head for what the Democrats need to do

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Bernie making a lot of far right fruitcakes question their life choices here

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You’ve gone from educated to college educated to liberally college educated to Dickens in particular…with a bit of the gay rights right on schtick thrown in for good measure- along with a couple of insults thrown in for even better measure.

I think you protest too much.

He does deserve some credit for not creating any new wars.

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Tell that to Melania

Obama killed more civilians than even Bush jr did with O’Biden as his vice president,

Jokes aside,

Lets hope we’re not going back to another US Foreign policy of regime change which results in hundreds of thousands of civilian deaths.


The only regime change Presiden O Biden wants is in the kingdom of John Bull

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Foreigners don’t count mate.

Hope you’re right mate.

I don’t think Trump didn’t start any wars due to any particular strategic acumen.

More to do with generally having a similar worldview to traditional despotic enemies of the west and an inability to understand the complexities of geopolitics

Interesting piece.

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In fairness he isn’t fair left, he just wants what we have in a civilised society. As much as we complain its better than over there.

Have there been any good leak type articles on the meltdown trump is having behind the scenes?

The ideal of a civilized society based on freedom and justice for all is considered a far left construct by many nowadays alas

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