US Presidential Election 2020

And did you copy and paste from wikipedia?

No I didn’t.

What would you expect from a far right publication?


President Trump getting shit done. On twitter

I dont find that very convincing. On explanation might be that the ballots they counted later on in the count were the ones which were cast earlier, before Trumo’s late momentum.



It was said by a SCIENTIST.

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Good for you, it’s just your comment is word for word what I read when I googled zero hedge. I’d want to look a bit further before I make an official proclamation though.

fixed that for you



You’d want to be very wary of stuff on the internet these days. The web will be a mire of right wing conspiracy theories, claims of Russian interference and baseless rumours of electoral fraud.


Mayo has competition

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The thing with Zero Hedge is they do lean right but they also publish articles without much or perhaps any fact checking, so you have to approach them with caution. But they frequently break stories that other outlets are reluctant to touch. As an example they were publishing daily updates from within China in late December and early January on the emergence of Covid and the CCP’s efforts to suppress any discussion of it.

Free speech is a good thing.

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Just when I thought Biden couldn’t get more dislikeable.

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It’ll be good news for Joe that his great granny was a woman.


The USAs answer to Village Magazine

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Did they break the Covid story?, if so fair play to them.

No they only break real stories