US Presidential Election 2020

They broke that story that they broke alright.

I’m not so sure. Look at what these nazi scum published, in 2019 (they must be far right)

So if Trump is not conceding will he do a handover to Joe or will he just say fuck you Joe. Whats the reason for sacking his Defence Secretary today?

Esper disagreed with Trumps decision to abandon the Kurds in Syria. Trump looks to be settling as many scores as possible while he stll can

I expect there will be a few more sackings before he has to leave? That’s he does leave. :slight_smile:

It could be quite entertaining if he refuses to leave. Could a situation arise where he has to be removed from the White House? That would be great entertainment.

Freedom is the freedom to say that 2 plus 2 make 4. If that is granted, all else follows.


Make America Rake Again

Trump wanted the military to intervene in the Black Lives Matter protests.

Esper wasn’t having it.

Chappelle :clap:

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I have to give Orwell a like.

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FOX have had enough

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They called Arizona for Biden before anyone else. Why would they do that having spent the last 6 years licking Trumps hairy bollix? Remorse and guilt can weigh heavey on a multi media Network I guess

What will the media do if they discover some Republicans were footering around with ballots? Will they be able to report on it?

Blame the Russians?

Russian red necks

Doubt it. I’d say Murdoch realised Trump was toast and switched horses. The way he did with Blair years ago.

You’d think the likes of Mark Meadows, Hope Hicks, Kayleigh McEnany would use their brains and slowly distance themselves from this futile attempt to cling to power. Ultimately it’s not gonna look pretty on the resumĂ©.

Fuck resumĂ©, it’s all about the book deal now


Yeah AOC is already involved with a Trump Accountability project that means everyone who even took a paycheck from Trump since he got into power will be on a blacklist. I’m not sure a purge of Trump loyalists will do much for being “United states” and not “red and blue states”. And “opponents” "not enemies "