US Presidential Election 2020

Tell all series on Netflix

If there is an opportunity to shoot oneself in the foot you can always trust the left to take it.


When you are at the top of the mountain, this is the time to smite your enemies

I’ve given that a like

Cc @Lazarus


Giuliani is taking this all the way to the Supreme Court yard by Marriott

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Can a president pardon himself?

Theoretically yes but as it’s never been done it would be challenged that won’t save the Don from any potential cases from the DA of the southern district of NY as a pardon only applies to federal charges IIRC

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I heard somewhere that in theory he could hand the presidency to Pence for the duration and Pence could pardon him?

He could do that but would Pence agree. Still wont protect him from state prosecutions.

The fundraising to legally challenge the decision has a condition that half of it can be used to pay off campaign expenses.

Like everything with DJT this is about money.

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People cashing out to free up funds. Christmas is coming and this looks like it could take a while. Also Laying Biden at 1.1 isn’t actually the worst trade, potential big reward for fuckall liability

Biden won’t become President :grinning:

The U.S. Department of Justice investigating serious election fraud.

Mugs game lads

Trump will end up gluing his hands to the floor in the oval office like those loo lahs in London

Lawn and order.


Is deluded Don still hiding under his desk or what? I cant remember the last time he talked to the people. Was it that time he declared ‘victory’, lol

As per my board exclusive the other day :clap: :clap:

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Paddy 1 John Bull 0