US Presidential Election 2020

Up yer bollix Kate

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Tuesday predicted “a smooth transition to a second Trump administration,”

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What do tierneevin and serious us politics watchers predict will happen next in terms of trump? Will this bluster fade away come December or could he make it genuinely difficult for Biden to take over? Is there even a teeny chance he could be right about the fraud?


Having all his court cases dropped with immunity and a few $$$$$ thrown in will see the Donald move house quick enough.

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I see a town in the US had over 100% turnout

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“ Mr Biden spoke at length about his Irish connections and he was aware of Mayo’s win against Roscommon in the Connacht Football Championship last Sunday.

He spoke too about his strong desire to visit Ireland as US President.”

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There’s a hard deadline on December 14th when the state electors vote, although most or maybe all will have done it by December 8th. Given that over 100 million cast their ballots before election day, twice the 2016 number, and the fact the race was fairly close Trump was never going to initially accept the result. I’d say he will concede before the end of November.

There’s always some election fraud, but there’s no evidence as yet at least that it was large enough to close the gap in the decisive states. My own analysis is that Democrats did a very good job harvesting ballots in the key swing states, while Republicans expected people to go and vote on Nov 3.

Must watch

Biden now has an insurmountable lead in Pennsylvania

More examples of breaches of law by Creepy Joe. This time it’s the Logan Act.

Hilarious to here mick and paddy discuss what Biden will do for Ireland :joy: trump Is the only American president to have a business based in Ireland and look at the thanks he’s gotten :sweat_smile:

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Ayten bread is soon forgotten.


Eating just bread seem to be what some of O’Bidens policys are all about. Equality over equity etc.

President O Biden has us American patriots back in the game :clap: :clap:

Is he talking about a game from his childhood mate?

He’s not very specific.

The dumb bastard keeps incriminating himself. Joe’s brain is malfunctioning badly.