US Presidential Election 2020

President O Biden has them hopping like sausages in the pan

How is it a “mugs game” you utter fuckwit? You keep peddling this line just cos you can’t get your feeble head around how anyone could profit from betting. I told everyone here who’d listen two years ago to take on Trump and I’ve made money off it. Explain how I’m a mug for taking this angle.


You’d swear you couldn’t lock in profit before the election even started as well :rofl:

What eejit was it put up the Project Veritas video a few days ago?

Project Veritas :laughing:
Soft cunt whoever it was.

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Trump fanboys still reeling 5 days later… Irish lads seething away that Trump lost :laughing:

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What a Vice President :clap: :clap:

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You’d want to be some mug going about betting on elections, Rose of Tralees and Eurovision all the same. Displays a fair ‘want’.

That’s well explained. He has another one on fascism.

The whole fake news thing is such a simple yet genius idea. Trump knew early that the media would call him for all his lies and bullshit throughout his presidency so he just deligitimised them constantly. If they tell nothing but lies then no one will believe them when they report the truth about me. Comes in especially handy now when he appears to have almost zero evidence. Is there any mainstream media or even non trump supporting media outlet trump hasn’t denounced?

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Was it not hilary who started the fake news thing?

You tell me

Did that article just appear on your Twitter feed?

Oh Jesus the flash back to the whole Ms World debacle…

Cc @thedancingbaby @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy @Funtime


No it appeared on my trusted news source the free kick dot com

Sure you could google ‘hilary fake news’ or t’trump disinformation ’ or 'obama censorship ’ and find whatever you want to prove your point about any of them

Well, there you go

She’s not even a Vice President-elect yet mate. Democracy and due process needs to be followed to the letter of the law, and the media does not call the election results.

Waa waaa waaaaaaaa :joy:

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I know it’s not absolutely black and white with media and there definitely are biases on all sides but I believe trump completely discrediting every single news organisation thats critical of him including organisations that are generally seen by neutrals to be fair and balanced is very dangerous. It’s straight from the fascist playbook really and I think most balanced observers agree.


You had the most spectacular meltdown 4 years ago mate, so it’s no surprise to see you wetting your pants over the thought of Trump not being afforded due process here.

Did I mention how spectacular your meltdown was? Sid went off the reservation, as expected, but your bawling at @caoimhaoin about his made-up daughter having her pussy grabbed was perfectly pathetic.