US Presidential Election 2020

Defund the Media!

Whatā€™s this about? Iā€™m relatively new here and havenā€™t completed by due diligence around some posters.

Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :smiley:

Politicians going after the press is obviously dangerous but do you not think the media have lost a lot of credibility over the last few years. Obama blocked the press at every angle and the nyp article was essentially censored. Iā€™ve no idea whether biden some sort of sex pest or predator but thereā€™s plenty of smoke and rumour. The press and the #metoo movement is remarkably quiet on the subject? Do you think trump would have got off as lightly?
The general attitude seems reminiscent of a time when people wouldnā€™t dream of questioning the priests.
The media have been remarkably partisan, if anything they should probably be challenged more. Thereā€™s a big difference in censorship and shouting fake news ad infinitumā€¦at least people can decide for themselves.

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It was posted in response to Kev back in Nov 2016. Canā€™t be too hard to find. Itā€™ll be the post with a load of replies as follows:


Ok, Karen.

The limerick lads are all sound

Kev was sound too. The things that were said about his imaginary daughter were OTT though.

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They also love Kerry,anything to do with Kerry.Its a bit weird.


Blatant voter fraud.

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The Westies are obsessed with Kerry. Iā€™ve never been further west than Rourkeā€™s Cross in my life.

You overdid the going east part to be fair


Personally I think Trump is where anti establishment anti Liberal anti woke right of centre lads like yourself should draw the line. Heā€™s a dangerous cunt and everything he does is completely in his own self interest.


Helluva way to engage with my post. You want to post a few ignorant, poorly thought out platitudes without being challenged. When youā€™re asked a few simple questions you fall back to insults and a morally superior poseā€¦while talking about being anti liberal.

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Iā€™m interested in reading the niche contrarian views (in ireland obviously) from the likes of yourself as theyā€™re not ones you hear much in real life. I couldnā€™t have any less interest in getting involved in a back and forth on them though. Theyā€™re generally niche and contrarian for a reason and youā€™re hardly going to change your mind

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What niche contrarian view is that? I just saw some insults from a lad who hadnā€™t a clue what he was talking about.
Have a read at this nazi rag, in the interests of balance etc.

The counter argument on the dangerous cunt front is that on foreign policy he was far less of a dangerous cunt than his two predecessors. Bush and his cronies conducted a totally illegal war that cost the lives of over a million people. Obama continued with the insane regime change strategy, further destabilizing the region and destroying Libya. The growth of ISIS and all that entailed in terms of increased terror threat happened on his watch.

Trump started no new wars nor tried any new regime change adventures, ISIS was wiped out, and several Muslim majority countries have signed peace agreements with Israel. For all his flaws and there are many, I would give Trump a lot higher rating than Bush and Obama in terms of US led international mayhem.


He played Kim well too in hindsight playing the strong man and threatening him but he was lucky enough too not to cause a bit of mayhem with that one

Whatā€™s a few hundred thousand dead arabs compared to the outrage of proclaiming CNN as fake news?
You literally couldnā€™t make it up

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I reckon I made my points clearly enough whether you agree with them or not. Basically trumps completely undermining of any type of fair media is very dangerous for democracy. He couldnā€™t give two fucks though as long as it benefits himself. Thereā€™s a reason why his behaviour is such an outlier in a western democracy.

Tierneevin made a good point then about the foreign policy. I genuinely havenā€™t a clue what points you were trying to make apart from some mad aul shite about Biden being creepy which seemed to have no relevance whatsoever though?