US Presidential Election 2020

Chicken soup for the soldiers

You are only wumming with that one multiple other quality polls have Biden well into the 80s in AA support. If that was the case Trump would be ahead by 5-6 points yet in all the quality poll compilations such as RCP and 538 he is down 6 - 8 points.

In fact a You Gov/Economist poll just released has Biden up 11 Nationally and winning the AA vote 77 to 13.

Thatā€™s a nonsense answer mate. Why did Trump get 8% among black voters in 2016 and is now polling at 28%? Engage your brain with next answer.

National polls are about as useful as tits on a bull. The only thing worth watching nationally are the demographic trends which clearly show Trump is now gaining among minorities and lower income voters. That should be a huge worry for Democrats.

Itā€™s also estimated that at least 10% of people who are going to vote for Trump are now not willing to tell that to a pollster as they donā€™t believe polls are confidential.

You could lose your job if you admitted youā€™re voting for Trump.

Trump is like FF here in opinion polls. The voters donā€™t tell the pollers the truth but once in the sanctity of the booth they canā€™t bring their pencil to any other box

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You are not worth cerebral engagement while you fixate upon Fox News stories. Iā€™ve explained to you before this gets you very angry

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The Bradley effect will have a major say in this election!

I can see minorities flocking to Trump alrightšŸ¤”, do you actually seriously believe he will get 28% of the AA vote?

Itā€™s not a Fox News story. Itā€™s lads like you that will see Trump reelected. Believe it or not black people are getting fed up of white trash coming into their cities and burning them down.

Thatā€™s the answer to the question posed, but keep watching Comical Ali on CNN.

Did they find that out in a poll?


Whatever the percentage of AA voters for Trump is in 2020 it will be much higher than in 2016, and the reasons are fairly obvious. Are you of a similar mindset to Biden that black people must by definition vote for Democrats? Itā€™s a very foolish stance in the climate we are in. Thereā€™s a mistaken idea out there that all black people are poor, when itā€™s 20% of the black population that are below the poverty line ($25.5k annual income per family), almost exactly the same percentage of Hispanics. That means 80% of blacks are working class, middle class or rich and have the same concerns as everyone else, security and jobs #1 and 2.

are you hugely worried?

what are the reasons you state are so obvious?

Yes. Democrats have a long history of losing elections they should win, and itā€™s almost always self inflicted.

Whilst I agree that Trump has more momentum than Biden at the moment and will probably do better than the polls suggest, maybe even winning the election, I find it very unlikely that more than 1 in 4 black people will decide to vote against a black lady for VP and instead vote for a man who said that there were plenty of very fine people among the white supremacists marching at Charlottesville. I would say that the great majority find statements like that more offensive than Joe Biden saying every real black person will vote against the white supremacist Trump.

However the election will give a definitive answer about how many black people will vote for him.

I note also that you seem to be very worked up about this.

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the chap idles at worked up.

Believe it or not most black people actually care about the safety of the communities they live in. They donā€™t support violent criminals for example. It is by and large their neighborhoods, their businesses, and their places of work that are getting burned to the ground, mostly by white scum. Who do you think they will listen to and vote for, the lads telling them protests are all good and peaceful, or the lads telling them they will send in whatever force is necessary to get the scum off the streets?

under which president and political party has this social unrest happened?

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Yeah, Iā€™m a little worked up about Democrats potentially walking into a loss, again.